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This is a soulmate AU, I got the idea from a BL; hold me tight.

"Hey, did you hear about the freak who can't feel heat?"

"Can't feel heat, what do you mean?"

"Like he can't feel anything that's hot, I heard about it when I was in the deans office, this new guy is wearing a bunch of layers and it's 70 degrees outside."

"Oh, I just saw him in the hall, he looks like a burn victim."

"Hey that's rude to say."

"Maybe that's why he can't feel anything."

"Or maybe he hasn't met his soulmate yet." Said a kind girl.

While the ignorant college students talked, the person of discussion walked in and took a seat near the window.
The sun was out and he tried to stay warm as much as he could.
Sadly he could only feel cold, and it wasn't fun to always be cold.

"Look at him, it looks so bad." They continued to whisper.

"Come on, stop staring it's rude."

The professor was late, so one of the guys decided to go and talk to the new student.
"Hey, you're new this term?" The tall blond asked.

"Yeah, I finally got accepted." He answered kindly.

"Cool. Aren't you hot with all that on?"

"No, I'm actually cold."

"Flash come on, class is going to start soon." Said his girlfriend.

"The professor isn't even here, and I'm just saying hi to the new student."
Before he could do whatever he was planning, the professor finally walked through the door.
"You're meat better be in a seat. That includes you mr. Thompson." He looks up at the student, full knowing he would cause trouble if he was a second later.

"Now then, for today's lesson..."
The professors voice gets drowned out, as the heat resistant student stares out the window thinking about how he would kick flashes ass after class.

"Hey, excuse me."
He looks over to see a guy, a bit smaller than himself, with tousled brown hair and matching colored eyes.
"Do you have a pencil? I somehow forgot one."

"Oh yeah." He digs in his bag and hands him the number 2 pencil, their fingers touch for a second, but in that second he felt a strange sensation that was new.

"Thanks, I'm Peter by the way."

"Wade." They shake hands and wade feels the sensation again, even more this time.
He was left feeling perplexed and stares out the window for the whole class, wondering what this new sensation could be.

After class, wade was quick to leave, he felt like he was going to be sick.
"Wade?" Peter followed him, he was going to give the pencil back but he became worried about him.

Wade gets to the bathroom and runs hot water over his hands, steam was coming from the water but he felt nothing, just how wet his hands were.
"It doesn't make sense. Was that heat when I touched him? Or something else?" He says to himself.

"Wade?" Peter entered the bathroom.

"Ah! um I mean hey. What's up?" He became flustered.

"I wanted to give your pencil back, but you seem troubled."

"Oh I'm fine." He said with a shaky voice.

"Aren't you burning up? You have so many layers, and the water is scorching." Peter could see the steam from the water as it falls into the sink.

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