Drunk pt2

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I know you wanted this

"Wade please, don't do anything crazy." He pleads as wade throws him on the bed.
"Um who are you talking to? I'm the definition of crazy." He giggles.

"I'll kick your ass if you try anything too messed up."

"While that would probably be kinky, I won the game, and what I want you to do is simple." He goes off to the corner of the room, where a wall divider sat.
"What are you doing?" Peter stays on the bed with caution.
Wade wheels something with straps and rope from behind the divider.
"What is that?"

"A sex swing, all you have to do is hang out, while I tease and fuck you so good."

"Oh wow, um okay." His face flames with nervousness and excitement.

"Come here."
Peter walks slowly, the swing was intricate with a cloth that would support his lower back, leather cuffs and ropes that would hold his arms and legs up, and a few accessories on the side; blindfold, whip, and a feather.
"Please don't use the whip."

"I know you only like pleasure, but I'll tease you with the feather, play with your senses, and drive you crazy." His voice lowers in a seductive tone that made peter weak in the knees.

"Um, so how do you get in this thing?"

"Like you would a normal swing, sit on the cloth and I'll hoist you up."
He did as told, Wade pulls a rope and lifts him up. Peter holds the rope of the swing and tested it by going back and forth.
"Okay this is comfy."

"You're so cute." Wade was quick to pull his pants off, and cuff his legs, spreading them wide.
"Wade, wait."


"This is, kind of embarrassing."

"So? It's fun, now relax." He cuffs his wrist and pulls him up more, ass perfectly in line with Wade's face.
"Such a beautiful view." He kissed his inner thigh and licks up to his ass. Soft moans leave peter and the cuffs click together as he twitched.
"Oh god, what should I do to you first?"

"Nothing too, weird."

"Where's the fun in that?" He gets the blindfold and covers Peter's eyes, "this will help make your sense of touch more sensitive."
He took the feather and danced it over Peter's legs, stomach, and arms.
"What's touching me?"

"A feather. How's this feel?" He pressed the feather to his stomach, circling his belly button.
"Mm, it tickles."

"And here?" It brushed his ass and he twitched.

"Stop it, just touch me."

"Begging, already?"

"No.." he tried to pull his knees in, feeling vulnerable and exposed, but his feet kept spread out.

"Don't try to hide, I'm about to enjoy my meal."
He leans closer and starts to eat him out. Peter moans and the metal parts clank as he twitched.
"Wade, ah."
Hands hold his thighs, every finger on his skin was noticed, warmth engulfed his legs wherever Wade touched.
A high pitched moan let's out as he felt more pleasure, wade was stroking him now, mouth still kissing and licking his hole.
"Ah, ahh, Wade."

"Mmm, I love hearing you say my name." He pulls from Peter, making him whine from lose of pleasure.
He can feel himself dropping slowly, wishing he could take the blindfold off.
"Be a good boy." He heard, Wade's voice was raspy and close to his ear. "Tilt your back, relax and open your mouth."

"What are you doing?"

"Trust me."
Peter swallowed a lump in his throat, then opens his mouth, neck leaning back. A hand holds the back of his head, then something touched his chin, slowly moving to his mouth and sliding in.
He closed his lips around it, immediately knowing what to do. Wade moans as he slowly rocks his hips into Peter's face.
"Fuck yeah, ah, you feel so good."
Peter sucks in his cheeks, making wade stop for a moment.
"That's so good, baby boy." He slowly pulls out and leans down to kiss him, tongues dance together. Wade leans back and pulls the blindfold off, Peter's eyes blink and adjust to the light.
"How you feeling?"

"Really good."

"You're about to feel amazing." He walks around, hands trailing along Peter's side to his leg and stands between his legs.
Fingers tease from his calf to his thigh, cupping his ass softly and massaging his cheeks.
"Wade, stop teasing me."

"What I say goes, you just relax." His voice lowered and all peter could do was shiver with excitement and be compliant.
"Good boy." He kissed his thigh then moved to his pelvic bone, licking and biting on his hip.
Peter withered in pleasure and moans softly, he lifts his hips, trying to get wade to hurry up.
"So impatient, you want it that badly?"


"Tell me, what do you want?"

"You, I want you to fuck me."

"You're so fucking cute when you beg. Fine I'll give it to you." He grabs lube and pours it all over Peter's legs and pelvis.
"That's cold."

"I'll warm it up." He rubs all over his body, legs, stomach, and ass slick with lube. His fingers press into peter gently, stretching him.
Peter desperately tries to move, trying to make his fingers go deeper, but he had no leverage.
Wade brought him down to his cock level and gently pressed against him.
"You want it?"


"How badly do you want it?"

"I need it, please wade." He whines a breathy moan and wade couldn't hold back anymore. He pushed in, holding Peter's hips as he went deeper.
Both moaning as pleasure shoots through their bodies.
"Oh god, this swing is awesome."

"Wade, my neck is starting to hurt."

"I got you." He pulls out and lowers his legs, his head lulls back to a comfortable position.
A seat drops out and wade sits down, pulling the ropes and moving Peter until he straddled him.
"Are your arms tired?"


"I'll give you some slack if you wanna hold on to me at all." After that, peter was sinking down on his cock, he bounced and circled his hips, but wade holds him around the waist and pumps up.
"Oh god."

"You do what I say, I didn't say ride me."
Peter didn't speak, he leans his head on Wade's shoulder and let's him continue driving up with his hips.
"Ah, ahh."

"Louder, scream my name."

"Wade." He whimpered.

"Louder." He pulls him up and takes the cuffs off, only to turn him around and re-cuff him, hoisting him back up, stomach parallel to the floor.
He thrusts back in, hard and deep; maybe it was the feeling of being in mid air, but the pleasure was immensely greater than usual.
Peter was a moaning mess, voice pitching and whimpering.
"Does it feel good?"

"Y-ah, yes."

"Who makes you feel this good?"



"Ahh Wade, Wade, oh my god, Wade."
He was reaching his limit, and so was Wade.
He stops deep inside and holds peter close, kissing and biting his neck, hands groping his chest, pinching his nipples.
"Oh god."
He thrusts again, hitting his prostate, peter was getting louder now.
With a final thrust, peter moans beautifully, singing Wade's name as he climaxed.
Following suit, he moans and fills peter to the brim.
When he pulled out, a mess was on the floor.

He got a towel to clean it up and then clean Peter.
"Hmm, you look so good strapped like that. Maybe I'll keep you like that."

"I'll break out easily."

"That's no fun."

"Please get me down now."

"Okay, baby boy." Once he was out of the swing, wade takes him to the bathroom and wash up. After their bath, they lay in bed, still buzzing from euphoria.
"Wade, I love you."

"I love you too."

"We can totally use the swing again." He smiles softly.

"For real? Fuck yeah." Wade gets excited like someone who just won the lottery.

"Yeah, it was fun."

"Oh I love you so fucking much." Wade hugs him tightly.

"I love you more." He giggles.

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