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Peter's birthday was coming up soon and he wanted to do something fun for it. Turning 25 was a milestone, so what could he do to make it a memorable event?

"Wade, what are you doing on Friday?" He leans against his boyfriend.

"Probably hanging out with my baby boy." He smirks and drapes his arm around Peter's shoulder.

"You know it's my birthday, right?"

"Oh shit, it's this Friday?"

"Yeah. You forgot didn't you." He pouts.

"I'm sorry babe, what did you want to do for it?"
He ponders for a moment, he still didn't have much of an idea.
"I want to be with you, that's for sure. But I don't know what to do."

"I'm sure we can think of something. What kind of presents do you want?"
Peter had a thought and he smirks, wondering if he could actually get it.
"What you thinking about petey?"

"Nothing." He said quickly. Then stands up and goes into the kitchen for something to drink.
Wade absentmindedly follows him, wandering around the room in a zigzag.
"So, what do you want for your birthday?" He stands behind peter, chin resting on his shoulder.
"You. And cake, lots of yummy food."

"I can provide all that. Anything else?" His hands snake around Peter's waist, but he steps forward and spins to look up at him.
"I'll let you know if I think of anything." He kissed his cheek and heads for the door.
"Hold on a minute." Wade grabs his wrist and pulls him back, pinning him against the wall.
Lips collide together passionately, a small moan escapes from Peter.
"Why you leaving so soon?"

"I have work."

"Do you have to work?" He leans close to Peter's neck, ghosting his lips over sensitive skin.

"Y-yes, unfortunately I do." Peter suppressed a moan, and pushed him away.

"Okay, I have to find you a present and gets things ready. I'll see you Friday."

"Okay. I love you."

"I love you too, baby boy."

Friday was right around the corner before he knew it. Peter woke up to birthday wishes from his aunt, friends, and wade.
He went out for breakfast with aunt May, she took him to IHOP.

"Good morning, what can I get you?"

"The birthday pancakes please." He smiles softly.

"Is today your birthday?" The waitress asked.

"Yeah, I'm 25 today."

"Can I see some ID?" She needed to make sure he wasn't lying for a free meal, since the birthday pancakes are on the house if it's actually your birthday.
He hands her his drivers license, August 10th, she looks at the calendar on the wall, they matched.
"Happy birthday. And what will you be having?" She looks to May.
"I'll have the Belgian waffle, with white toast and sausage links."

"Okay, I'll be right back with that."

After breakfast, peter stopped by his friends houses, Ned gave him the newest final fantasy game, and Harry gave him oscorp technology that he could experiment with.

He was finally making his way to Wade's house, saving the best for last.
He walked in to balloons, streamers, and a confetti popper in his face.
"Happy birthday Peter."

"Wow, I wasn't expecting this." He smiles brightly and dusted the confetti off himself and looks around.

"You like it?"

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