That ass doesn't lie

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Smut or fluff? Which is better? A little bit of both maybe?
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How is this story going to go?

Peter flops on his bed after a long day of crime fighting, still in his suit being too lazy to change at the moment.
"Ugh damn that Deadpool, he always has to mess with stuff that doesn't involve him." He half assed punched his pillow.
"I need a shower." He huffed and finally gets out of bed and undressed, nakedly walking to the bathroom attached to his room.

After his shower he was wrapped up in a oversized hoodie and sweatpants, since it was getting colder out but he didn't want to turn the heat on yet.
"Netflix and bed." Again flopping his body on the bed.
"An anime about volleyball, okay sure." He watched three episodes before passing out.

The morning sun hits his face, confused as to what time it was. He looked at his phone to see 7:06 am.
"Oh crap I didn't set an alarm. I'll be late." He scrambled to change his clothes, grabbing his suit and book bag and running out his apartment.
"Oh crap I have a test today too."
He had to get to class by 7:30 to not be late and take his test, but he couldn't use his powers because of so many people.
He ran as fast as he could and got on a bus that would take him straight to college.

He took deep breaths in his seat and tried to focus on studying last minute.
The bus came to a sudden stop and people gasp as they saw a horrible car accident in front of them.
"Oh no." Peter worries about the people in the cars, but he also worried about being late.
"I'm sorry, excuse me. I have to get off here." He ran down alleys and could see his college in view.

In the halls he still didn't slow down, teachers yelled at him to stop but he didn't listen.
He nearly missed a student as he rounded the corner, thanks to his abilities he side stepped quickly around her and kept running.
He could see the class room in front of him, and the teacher in the doorway.
He stops harshly on his heels.
"I'm here please let me in."

"You are late."

"But it's 7:30 I made it on time."

"If you are here after me, then you are late." She said sternly.

"No please."

"The make up test will be held on Saturday. Don't be late to that, or you fail my class." She slams the door, the echo seemed louder than usual in his defeated wake.

Peter went for a walk around campus until his next class, absolutely bummed about being late.
"Sometimes being a hero sucks." He whispered to himself.

"Hey penis parker, why so sad? Did you forget your lunch money?" Flash taunted him, seriously though why is he still doing that? Does he really have such a boring life he has to be mean to peter? He's never done anything to flash.

"Give it a rest flash, don't you ever get tired of the same lame ass jokes that spew out your ass you call a mouth." Peter looked shocked for a second, he really just said that out loud.
Then he looked scared as flash got angry and ran at him.
"Oh crap."

"Yeah you better run, if I catch you you're dead parker." He chased after him.

He ran off campus and downtown, flash still close on his heals, wow he has good stamina too.
Peter runs down an alley but it was a dead end.
"Oh crap."
I can't use my powers, I'll seriously hurt him. Not like his punches actually hurt, it's more my pride but still. Peter internally argues with himself.

"Now you're mine, parker."

"Come on flash, let's just talk this out. We're not kids anymore, why do we have to fight all the time?"

"Because it's fun, and it's so easy to knock you down."

"You're not a very nice person." Said a voice and peter immediately knew who it was.
Down came Deadpool as he jumped from the building and landed in between them.
"Holy shit, you're that Deadpool guy." Flash got excited.

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