The Start

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"Did we have to move right before the first day of high school?" Christian whined to his mother. She looked at him with knowing eyes and a small, sad smile.

"You know that your father couldn't turn down this offer," she explained, giving her son a hug. "I know that this is another starting point but, you've been doing so well so far."

Christian whined in protest before shoving a heap of pancakes in his mouth. It's not like he wanted to be a Main Character, he would be perfectly fine being Christian. Just Christian.

Christian's parents knew from the moment that he was born that he was going to be a Main Character due to the full head of orange hair that the boy had. Being a Main Character meant that he was going to be thrust into all different drama openings except, all of them are in real life. Christian had been doing well to fight off openings. He has gotten out of being kidnapped, falling for his best friend, and meeting people with otherwise sketchy back stories.

The only problem is today was the day that him and his parents feared the most, today was the first day of high school. As most people may--or may not--know, the first day of high school is always the start of many dramas. Christian knew that he was going to be up against craziness today when he walked through the halls of his new high school, Seoul High.

He looked at the clock and saw that it was about a half an hour before he needed to catch the bus. He knew better than to take the bus on the first day so he swung his backpack over his shoulder, gave his mom a hug, and walked out the door on a beautiful, sunny day.

He checked his map which said to go right down his street. He nodded and turned to go to the left. He took every direction backwards until he finally got to the school he saw yesterday. The map was going to bring him to school regardless of if he took left or right but, after seeing the sketchy streets on the right, he found that the reverse path works just as well, if not better.

When he finally entered the school, he looked at his paper to find his locker. Locker 121. Christian rolled his eyes. That adds up to four, which means death. Don't think this is cute. He thought. Walking over to the locker, he entered in the combo that was given to him by the school and opened the door.

After placing everything except for his physics book into his locker, he closed the door and saw a young girl standing to the locker next to him looking nervous, probably because of the horrifying demon standing behind her. He rolled his eyes and walked up, pushing the demon away. "Go away, douchebag. Not today."

The demon looked offended as he pushed it away before disappearing in a cloud of black smoke. Christian turned around and looked at the girl who practically had hearts in her eyes. "Y-you can see them too?"

Christian pointed a finger at her face. "Don't even think about it! Not even once!" he demanded. She looked shocked and quickly turned back to her locker. Christian spun on his heels and walked to his physics classroom.

As he walked inside, he noticed there was only one seat open, in the back of the classroom, by the window that showed it was not only not sunny anymore but was a torrential downpour. Oh this is a bunch of bullshit.

He heard a bunch of people whispering about him. "Oh my gosh, he's a main character.", "Don't tell me that he gets his own happily ever after.", and "Why did he get to be so lucky?" Pfft. Lucky? Yeah, right.

Christian walked over to the seat and sat down. It was sunny not even five minutes ago. He refused to stare out the window because he knew exactly what would happen. He accidentally looked outside for half a second and realized what he had done.

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