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"What do you mean you used to date?!" Jim yelled. "What happened to 'I'm not gay'?" Jim was fuming at the fact that Nathan not only lied to him, but used to be with his boyfriend.

Nathan sighed and turned to the pink-haired man. "That's why I knew who did that to you. He used to do that to me too." Jim's mouth dropped. Giovanni placed a hand on Nathan's shoulder. "Do you want an explanation?" Jim nodded. "Meet me out front after school and I'll explain everything."

Nathan walked over to the table they were sitting at before he left. Christian was sitting there digging in his bag. The boys sat down and Nathan watched as Jim left the cafeteria. Christian walked over to the other side of the table and straddled the seat next to Nathan. Nathan looked at him confused before having his seat turned to the younger.

"Hold still," Christian ordered. Nathan looked at what was in his hands, a first aid kit. Christian dabbed a small cotton ball on Nathan's forehead, earning a hiss from the older. "Sorry, but then again, if you wouldn't have attacked him, this wouldn't be needed."

Nathan glared at Christian. "While I appreciate the doctoring, I don't appreciate the commentary. I need to protect Jim." Christian stopped his movements and smirked.

"I thought you didn't like him," Christian mused. Nathan sighed deeply, hissing out as he felt a cold substance on the cut at his forehead.

"I know what he's gone through, and nobody deserves to be hurt like that." Nathan started trembling, remembering his past. Christian laid his hand on Nathan's.

"I'm sorry that you went through that. You're a really good person for standing up to Ken like that for Jim," Christian explained. Nathan shook his head.

"Should have known he wouldn't have changed. People never change," Nathan groaned, balling his hands into fists. Christian placed a bandage on Nathan's forehead before standing up.

"I'm not so sure about that. I seem to see a change in heart in someone," Christian smiled. Nathan looked up at him and watched Christian walk away. Christian walked out of the cafeteria to his locker. He removed his book for history and closed the door, not expecting a certain red-head to be behind the locker.

Jack laughed when Christian screamed in surprise. "Hey, Chrissy!"

Christian's eyes widened when he saw who it was and blushed a scarlet red. "H-hey, Jack."

Jack raised an eyebrow at the nickname. "What are you doing after school?" he asked. Christian thought for a second before replying.

"Nothing, why?" he asked. Christian started walking towards his class with Jack following.

"Well, I was thinking maybe we could do homework at your place?" Jack asked with a smile. Christian slowly nodded.

"That would be cool, I guess." Christian and Jack stopped in front of his next class standing across from each other.

"Awesome!" Jack grinned. "I will meet you after school at the gate then!" Jack ran off to his next class he was almost late for. Christian shook his head and walked into class.

The rest of the day seemed to move by way too quickly for Christian's liking. He was very nervous about spending the day with Jack. When he reached the gate, the red-head was bouncing to some song that was playing in his head.

Christian sighed deeply, nervous. He walked over and Jack smiled widely at him. He smiled back and they started walking back to their houses. "So, do you have any issues in any subjects?" Christian asked.

Jack sighed and nodded. "I'm having an issue in math. I don't like it because I don't understand anything."

Christian nodded. "I can help. I'm an honor roll student."

Jack rolled his eyes. "Of course you are," he chuckled. The rest of the walk they talked about what happened in the cafeteria, both of them confused as to exactly what happened. When they arrived at Christian's house, they walked in only to be greeted by Christian's mother with a shocked look on her face.

"Oh, Christian brought a friend home!" Mrs. Combs stated. Her husband poked his head around the corner with raised eyebrows. "And he's a main too!" She walked over to the boys. "Hello, you must be part of the group Chrissy told us about yesterday!"

"Yes, Ma'am. Jack Kim, at your service," he stated, bowing obnoxiously. Christian's mother laughed. Mr. Combs came over and shook the red-heads hand. "It's nice to meet you both."

"It's wonderful to meet you too as well, Jack. Are you boys hungry or anything?" Mr. Combs asked.

Christian and Jack both shook their heads. "We're just going to do some homework, Mom," Christian stated. Both parents nodded before walking into the kitchen. Jack followed Christian up the stairs towards his room. They walked inside and Christian closed the door.

He turned around and was met with a lusty looking Jack, staring at him. Christian gulped. Jack started moving closer. Christian's back was against the wall. He stared at Jack's plump pink lips.

"W-what are you-" Christian started.

"Shh," Jack shushed him. "Don't think."

Jack leaned closer, slowly closing the gap between them. Their lips were about to touch when suddenly...

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