Chap 3. [Confusion]

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"D-Dazai please stop driving l-like that!"

When Atsushi tried to get in the drivers seat, Dazai practically shoved him away and lead him to the passenger side.

"We will get there faster if I drive!"
Yeah, if they don't die on the way that is.

No one knew why Dazai was so bad at driving, but dear god he was.

"That case was so easy! A love triangle, how cliche!"

Atsushi had trouble responding while the car was shaking about.

Dazai drove a hundred miles per hour. Atsushi wasn't even sure if he had a license.
Dazai ran something over and it crunched under the wheels. The two fell silent but Dazai just kept driving.

-he definitely didn't have a license.

Atsushi's pocket buzzed and he took his phone out. It was one of the detectives from the police station.

Dazai looked over at Atsushi as he picked up the phone.
"Wait really? No way... We are almost there. Bye."

Dazai slowed down so Atsushi could talk to him, but he was still driving recklessly.

     "Dazai, The killer shot himself!  He was killed instantly."
A million questions rammed through Dazai's head.

Who was watching him?  They didn't search him before?  How the hell did he have a gun?
But the most prominent one was:
Why did he do it?

     Dazai was deep in thought and didn't seem to see the million pot holes he was driving through.  Atsushi's body jumped into the air in the passenger seat.

     Dazai turned and looked at Atsushi.
     "This case just got all the more interesting!"

     Dazai sped the car up and gave the gray haired male a heart attack as the car flew through the streets.

     "Wow, what a cowardly way to avoid punishment!  Unless it wasn't that at all?"

     Atsushi looked down at the evidence they gathered, more importantly, the photograph of the killer and his brother.

     "Dazai, how did you know this man?"
Dazai thought for a moment.

     "We worked together in the Mafia.  He was one of the members that worked as the executive errand boy's."
Dazai stared at the road with his bright brown eyes.

     "-he disobeyed me once which is why I remember him.  I gave him equal punishment."

      Atsushi looked over at Dazai who had coldly said those last words.  Dazai seemed to sense that Atsushi was uncomfortable.

     "But that's all in the past!  He probably doesn't even remember me."
A fake smile flew across his face.

     Atsushi just remained quiet for a moment, then spoke.
     "You know Dazai... you seem a lot happier since you left the Port Mafia..."

Dazai glanced at him, had he really said that? 

He spoke before he could think.
     "That's because I am."

     Dazai was silent for a moment.  Slowly, Dazai reached over and put a pale hand on Atsushis shoulder. 

     The smaller male was surprised, Dazai never was really the type to show any sort of affection, no matter how small this was.  Atsushi just smiled and looked down at the evidence once more.

     Soon enough, they finally made it to the police station.   Atsushi stumbled out of the car before running to the trash can and throwing up from the rough ride.

     Dazai just chuckled and walked through the glass sliding doors into the main station. 

     "The Armed Detective Agency.  Good evening to you two."

     Atsushi followed behind Dazai holding his stomach as the clapping of footsteps were heard.

     "Good morning!  So be honest with me, what happened to the killer?"
Dazai didn't hesitate.
The officer at the front desk looked up at the tall man.

     "One of our officers told him that he was going to be interrogated by the Agency.. then he assaulted one of our members and took the gun off him.  Then he proceeded to put the gun in his mouth a-"

Dazai cut him off.
     "We don't need any more information, thank you."

He looked around, then behind him at Atsushi.  He was holding the evidence that they had gathered.

     Dazai held his hands out and Atsushi placed the letter, vase, and photograph in his arms.

     Dazai asked to speak to the main detective behind this so that they could finally close the case.

     While waiting, the two agency members sat by each other in the waiting room.  Dazai blew the hair out of his face and Atsushi twiddled with the straps on his suspenders. 

     Soon, the detective was ready for them, and the two men walked into her room.

     The woman sat in her chair and pointed at the others across from her desk.  They sat in them and Dazai placed the evidence on the hard desk and explained the whole story.

     The Mafia killer, the cheating wife, and the unsuspecting brother.

     The lady looked through the evidence thoroughly, and everything matched up with what they were saying except one thing.

Why did the Mafia member kill himself?

     To answer this question, Dazai asked if he could look through the man's belongings and what he was carrying on him when he shot the bullet.

     "Yes of course... but I don't know what you might find on him."
The woman's voice was angelic as she looked down and through the evidence once more.

     "From what I can tell, Mafia members do not just kill themselves to escape consequence.  Hell, he didn't even shoot the cop he stole the gun off of."

      Dazai looked into her green eyes, then thought for a moment before he spoke.
     "Yeah, you're right.  But it's like he was scared of something.  I want to look through his items and talk to the police investigators that he was in contact with before he did it."

     The woman nodded and then called in a patrol officer to take them to the room that the man's body was being held in, an autopsy room.

     It just so happens that that patrol officer was also the one who interrogated him before the killer shot himself.

     Dazai and Atsushi walked into a large hospital looking room.  It had a lot of drawers that was assumed to hold dead bodys in, along with long metal tables.  There was also a couple chairs and a desk.

     The officer sat on the desk and motioned for the two to go and look at the body on the table.
     Atsushi looked down and instantly gagged at the sight.

This is going to be a looong couple of minutes...


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