Chap 4. [Can't Hide]

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The killer lay there on the hospital bed, deceased. His head was covered by a towel, but the stench of death wasn't one that you could cover so easily.

"Have you gone through any of his belongings yet?"
Dazai looked over to the officer sitting on the desk.

"...No. Honestly we are kind of scared to. You never know what the Port Mafia has up their sleeves."

Dazai looked over once more to the man that was on the table.
"You were the officer he stole the gun off of, correct? Were there any witnesses?"

Dazai slid his feet against the cold floor and over to the man on the desk.

"I don't know what you're trying to get at, detective. But no, I was the only one in the room with him when he did it."

The officer continued.
"-He was in his holding cell and I was watching him when he attacked me. He shot himself so quickly, it couldn't have been helped."

Atsushi kept walking over the dead man, he held his breath in attempts to keep the scent out of his nose. He ran his fingers over the table and into the mans front pocket.

     A photograph was inside of the pocket.  Of him and his brother, identical to the one that Dazai and him had found in the house.  Atsushi took it out, and found bloodstains on it.

     Atsushi recognized the brother, he looked identical to the patrol officer ahead of them.  He had changed his appearance but you could tell it was still him. He was about to speak until Dazai turned around and looked Atsushi dead in the eyes, a signal to keep his mouth shut.

     Dazai walked over to the man and lifted the white towel that covered his shot head.

    "D-Dazai what the hell are you doing?!"
Atsushi was taken aback... this was weird, even for Dazai.

     "You know what's strange, officer?"
Dazai's bandaged arm placed the towel back on the killer's head, covering blood stained skin and sticky hair.

     "We were told he shot himself in the mouth... but the gun wound is in the back of his head.  That would be extremely hard to do by himself, you know."
The officer looked panicked.

     Dazais eyes scanned the man, trying to read his intentions.
     "You are the killers brother, officer.  And you were the one who shot him dead."

     Dazai pulled out the photograph of the two from his long overcoat pocket, then shoved it in the officers face.

     "Apparently, killing in cold blood runs in the family!"
The officer jumped off of the desk and pointed at the two.

     "You have no evidence!  How could I have done that?!"

Dazai sighed in annoyance and rolled his eyes.
     "We don't have all day you know, do we really have to explain it to you?"

Atsushi walked up so he was side by side with Dazai and looked the tall officer directly in the eyes.

He was scared facing a murderer, but the presence of Dazai by his side made him feel safe.

"You were in a love affair with your brother's wife. Once he killed her, you were overcome with grief. One, that the woman you loved was killed, and two, that your brother wasn't the man he thought he was. So, you had your chance and you took it."

Dazai looked over proudly at Atsushi then back at the officer.

The sun shone through the windows and blinded the officer in the eyes. He had a low growl and his eyebrows were knitted as he stared at the two.

"Well, what do you have to say for yourself?"
Dazai was getting impatient.

It was late afternoon now, and the sun was threatening to go below the horizon. The light cast dark shadows throughout the room.

Suddenly, the officer took the gun from his waist belt and pointed it at Dazai's forehead.

"-Well that isn't a very good way to defend your innocence."

The gun could be investigated and they would find that a bullet was missing- the bullet he had shot his brother with. It wouldn't have taken much to frame it as a suicide.

Dazai put his hand up and glanced behind the officer. Loud footsteps were heard as people came up behind the brother.

Other operatives had come with their guns blazing at the brother of the killer.

"We've heard enough! Put the gun down!"
It was obvious that the man had lost.

He put his gun down and let the other officers put cold metal handcuffs around his wrists.

Dazai and Atsushi followed him out. He was going to get questioned, but it was pretty obvious that he was going to be found guilty.

The light gleamed even brighter as they left the autopsy room, and Atsushi was relieved as the smell of death left his senses. Dazai put the evidence down on the front desk.

"I think we are done here, officers."
He left with a wink and headed towards the door.

     The tall man left without another word, and his footsteps were heard along with the swinging of the glass doors.  Atsushi followed on his heels and caught up with him.

     Dazai held the door open for the smaller male as they walked to the car.

     Sighing, Dazai spoke.
     "I suppose I'll let you drive."

Atsushi breathed relief.
      "Thank you so much Dazai."

The two got into the car and Atsushi had to bring the seat up so he could reach the petals.
     Compared to Dazai he was really short.

     He pressed on the gas and it was silent for a moment before Dazai spoke.  The sun was beaming down on the two, the sunset faced west as it was setting.

     "That was a lot of fun!  What a plot twist huh... the paperwork will be done by the office people.  We've done our work as detectives."
He stretched and he bandages on his arms dangled down.

     "Thanks for working with me today Atsushi."
Dazai smiled at him and Atsushi smiled back with bright eyes.

     "Once we sign out, come to my place and we can talk a little more.  I'll even make you tea on rice!"
Alright, that had Atsushi's mind set.

     "Alright sure!  Are you sure it isn't too late though?"
Dazai blinked.

     "-do you seriously think I have a bed time?  That's Kunikida's thing, not mine."
Atsushi laughed as he looked out the window.

     The waves glistened and the sky was a a pretty magenta and orange color.  That was a tough mission, but it was always way easier when Dazai was by his side.


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