Chap 2. [Investigating]

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Atsushi opened the door and the smell of blood filled his senses. He gagged a little, but the taller man following behind him didn't even seem to notice the stench of decaying body.

     The hard marble tile was stained with the crimson liquid, that must have been where the victim was stabbed and killed.  Atsushi glided over to an island in the middle of the kitchen and looked around.

     There was a large front room that connected to it with big white furniture and a flat screen tv.  The kitchen was remodeled and had clean hardtops everywhere.  Even the fridge was new.

     He looked behind him to make sure that Dazai was still there.

     "So what are we looking for?"
He turned to face the tall male.

     "Anything.  Anything that proves as evidence to a motive."
Dazai walked about the house.

     He opened the silverware drawer.

     The knife that the killer had used had been identical to the ones in the compartment.  He wouldn't have used a regular kitchen knife if he had planned it... it wasn't ideal for getting the job done.

Not that Dazai would know.

     Dazai heard a slipping sound and a thump come from behind him.

     He turned to find Atsushi on the floor: he had slipped in the blood.  The young male's eyes looked petrified.

     "W-why wouldn't they clean this up?!"
Dazai walked over to Atsushi and extended a hand.

     "Well to inspect of course.  Or well..."
He looked down at the blood on Atsushis white shirt.

     "-it could have been inspected."


     Atsushi grabbed Dazai's bandaged arm and he flew upward with the strength of the man.  Then, Dazai led Atsushi to the woman's bedroom.

Atsushi flushed.

     Opening the door, Dazai turned to Atsushi.  There was a large window and the sun was beaming down inside on the wooden bedroom dresser and purple bedsheets.

     "Get searching!"

Atsushi let out a huge sigh of relief.  He honestly didn't know Dazais intentions anymore.

     Atsushi opened one of the dressers while Dazai looked under the bed.  It was all.. empty.  As if someone had took a vacuum to the whole room.

     Soon enough, Dazai lifted up the mattress and found some ripped papers.

     Dazai ran from the room and into the kitchen, and lied out all the pieces of paper on the white marble counter.

It wasn't the killer who ripped these... it was the victim.

     They were love letters.  But the person that she was sending them to was not her husband that had killed her.

A jealous lover? But he didn't find these ones under the mattress, she had hidden them from him. So if that's the case then what did he find to show him the truth?

Atsushi came by Dazai and looked over his shoulder. Dazai was deep in thought as he tried to wrap his mind around what it could have been.

He looked around the kitchen: at the plates and dishes, the tall chairs, and even the vase full of bright purple flowers.

Dazai turned to read the letters again and wrapped what the words said around his mind.
It read:

-I sent you purple flowers because they reminded me of your bright violet eyes~ I can't wait until we can run away together from this oasis...-

She was going to run away from the husband.

The name had been missing from the paper scraps of the letter. It seemed as if she wanted to make sure her husband didn't know who the man was so he would stay safe from harm.
Was he abusive towards her?

What kind of question was that, he literally killed her.

Dazai looked over at the flowers once more, then at a small script written in marker on the glass vase.

"Love you so much dear~"

Except this time, his name was printed neatly on the vase.

Atsushi didn't want to bug Dazai when he was deep in thought, but he had some input to share with the man.

"Hey Dazai- I found this. It seems as if the husband knew this man before he even met her."

Atsushi handed Dazai a photograph of the woman's husband and the other man- both holding baseball bats. The image had been taken awhile back, but both of their names had been signed on the bottom.

     Something clicked in Dazais head.  He recognized the killers face instantly.
They both had the same last name.

"They were brothers. Both had an interest on the girl, but one got to her quicker. The wife had always had an interest in the other brother, but her husband was abusive and would not let her out of the relationship.

The other brother promised for a better life and guaranteed her escape- but her husband found out when he had printed his name on that vase over there. His brother wished to get with the wife.  Filled with anger, he murdered her."

Dazai explained the situation fully to Atsushi while pointing in the direction of the vase.

Atsushi thought for a moment about the whole thing, but it just didn't make sense to him.

"Why would he kill her though?! Yeah sure, she was cheating and he was abusive but... don't you think that's a little far?"
Atsushi looked up into Dazais large brown eyes questioningly.

"This man... was apart of the Port Mafia."
Atsushi didn't believe what he was hearing.

Dazai was being serious.

He had met this man long ago, and he had known he never liked this woman truly. He just loved her as a cover up for living a normal life: he wanted to make sure he wasn't being suspected for anything so he didn't loose a good name with his family.

"That's not all Atsushi."
He looked down at him and smirked.

"-she had found out that he was apart of the Port Mafia. That is the true reason to have killed her. She could have ruined his name if word spread, so he silenced her."

Atsushi looked up at Dazai with big eyes. He wished to be like him one day... Dazai always seemed to know everything about anything. How did he get that smart? What was really behind the scenes?

"Dont just stand there!"
Dazai grabbed the papers and vase with a microfiber cloth to make sure no fingerprints were shown.

"We got to get to the police asap! This is a Mafia member we have on our hands."
Dazai tuned and ran out the door.

Damn it...
Atsushi thought to himself.

He yelled to Dazai.
"Okay but can I please be the one to drive?!"


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