Chap 5. [Conclusions]

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     The two private investigators finally made it to the Armed Detective Agency's tall brick building.  They climbed out of the car and looked up at the dark sky that had taken over the sunset.

     Dazai looked disappointed when he walked in the building and looked up at the long stairs.

     "What's wrong Dazai?"
Dazai turned to look at Atsushi with an annoyed face.

     "I don't wanna walk up all these stairrrssss"

     Atsushi sighed before shoving Dazai onto the stairs and grabbing his arm to forcefully make him walk.  The dim lights looked like a hotel's at night, and shadows were being cast under the two guys.

     Finally, after a struggle, they made it to a large wooden door. Atsushi pulled the handle to find only Kunikida and Ranpo in the office. The rest of the detectives had already called it a day.

"Finally, you guys are back. Anything interesting happen?"
Kunikida didn't even look away from his computer while speaking.

Dazai looked at Atsushi, and Atsushi looked at Dazai.
In unison, they answered.

If they actually said all that happened it would take forever to explain... then reports and paperwork arrangements would have to be made... then they would somehow get lectured... it was just easier to keep quiet.

Ranpo looked up at the two, he knew what happened when Kunikida explained this morning. What he didn't know was about the brother... but then again he didn't care as long as it was dealt with.

"We will be heading home, Kunikida, can you clock us out?"

Kunikida's glasses reflected the long essay that was printed on his computer.
"Already have."

At that, Atsushi and Dazai walked out the building and headed home. It was a walking distance to Dazai's place, so they just headed there on foot.

The streetlights shown down as it started to drizzle a little bit. The clouds covered the moonlight as drizzle turned to cold rain.

Atsushi shivered in the silence, and because he hadn't brought anything to protect him from the rain. He looked down at the puddles on the stone of the street, reflecting everything around them. The roads were bare with people, so it was just the two guys walking down empty roads.

Dazai took off his long tan overcoat and handed it to the gray haired male. A smile covered his face. Atsushi took the coat and wrapped it around his shoulders, feeling warm again.

"We are almost there, so if you can just hang on for a little longer..."
Dazais voice was hushed in the rain drops pummeling onto the ground.

Atsushi looked up into his face to see that he wasn't looking at him back, but at the sky above.
"Thanks Dazai..."

Dazai fumbled a key from his pocket and put it into the lock of his front door.
"Come on... hold on this happens all the time! You just gotta- there!"
The door creaked open and the two walked into his apartment.

It wasn't much of a sight to look it, but it was livable.

Atsushi took Dazai's overcoat off of himself and shook like a dog to get the water droplets off of his hair and clothes. Dazai went into the corner and turned on a lamp, instant brightness filled the room and Atsushi could see better.

He had been at Dazai's before, but he had never truly looked around that much.

Dazai through a blanket at Atsushi and the were-tiger fell onto the couch.

The man with bandages got busy in the kitchen cooking up tea on rice for two.  He was singing along while pouring rice into the pan.  Atsushi couldn't hear him well so he strained his ears.

     "You can't do a double suicide~"
He should have guessed.

     Atsushi got up and shivered.  Why did Dazai have the air conditioning on when it was raining out?  He walked to the kitchen that had bright overhead lights.

     Dazai finished with the rice and put it down on the counter.  He lead Atsushi to the table and they sat and ate.  Atsushi was so hungry, he scarfed down the bowl in seconds.  Dazai just chuckled and ate his more slowly.

     "How often do you get to do cases like that?"
Atsushi gulped and tried not to talk with food in his mouth.

     "Love affairs are common but- between brothers... that was sure an interesting case!"

    Minutes passed, and Atsushi finished picking at the bowl and looked over at Dazai who was finishing his as well.

     "Thanks for dinner, Dazai,"
Atsushi looked up into his eyes and his face grew red as Dazai was staring into his soul.

     "W-why are you looking at me like that?"

     "Hm?  Oh sorry, you just reminded me of someone."

Dazai sat up from the chair and walked into the front room.

What was that for...
Atsushi was confused but he just stayed quiet and followed him.

     Stopping, Dazai turned back into the kitchen and made Atsushi fumble from the sudden turn.  He opened the cabinet and pulled out a small glass bottle of liquor.

     Then he grabbed a couple shot glasses and placed them on the counter by the sink.  Opening the bottle, he poured equal amounts of liquid into both small cups.

     He grabbed one and turned towards Atsushi.

     "Hold your hand out."
Atsushi did as he was told.

     Dazai placed the liquor in his hand then grabbed one with his own slim fingers.

     "Toast?  How do we toast with shot glasses-"
Dazai shoved his cup against Atsushis.

     "Like that!"
He paused.

Looking down, Dazai looked at a framed broken photograph of him, Oda, and Ango.  Then he turned to Atsushi.

     Ever since they met, Atsushi was able to fill that hole that Odasaku left.  He made him see a little bit of light again, and he was forever thankful to have him in his life.

     "To the Stray Dogs!"

     Both guys downed the liquor and Atsushi choked a little as it went down, he wasn't a big drinker. 

     "I can't wait to see how you look when you're drunk~"
Dazai poured more liquor into the shot glass.

     "W-wait Dazai who said I agreed to th-"
Dazai shoved the drink into his mouth and forced him to swallow.

     Atsushi couldn't help but laugh along with Dazai, he loved seeing him so happy.  Even if it was at his demise, he supposed...

The End!

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