Chapter 12

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Jade's pov

I somehow cant let Perrie's drunk texts last night go out of my head. well she texted me earlier that she was sorry about it. And knowing Perrie, She does silly things when she is drunk. But... I shrugged and just continued my day trying to distract myself from it.

Its now the afternoon, currently at the coffee shop near my house, just by myself and my tea in front of me, luckily its not pack with people. But a few fans went to ask for a picture with me earlier, and they left saying they want me to enjoy my alone time and won't bother my privacy, how sweet of them right? after a few minutes of staring out the window, a melody came in my mind, followed by some of words which fits to it. I brought my laptop out of its bag and place it on my table, started typing...

I was so focused with the screen of my laptop that I did not notice someone sat on the chair in front of me. Until he spoke which startled me.

"Hey missy" He says, wait a minute, that sounds familiar, I look up to be met by those familiar pair of blue eyes.

"Jed!?" I said quite loudly, he smiled and it also made me smile.

"Hi Jade, How have you been?" He said standing up to give me a hug, he has one cute smile. I missed him, after all we have some precious memories shared together. We're still friends but haven't heard from each other in quite a long time.

"Im doing good, on a break and excited for confetti tour, how about you?" I said hugging him back. He took his seat back, we continued talking about each others life. He told me, he now have a girlfriend, which made me happy, Jed is a good guy, He deserves a good woman, and by the looks of it, He is with one. love!

We talked for a few hours and even asked me how are the girls doing, I told him Perrie's and Alex anniversary is coming, but I guess my changed of tone was too obvious.

"You Ok Jade? hmmm You don't seem to be happy about that news" He looked at me confused and concern. 

"Oh- no, no" I said quickly. But paused, something deep down in me wants to tell Jed about the truth, I know I can trust him. But when we were together He and Alex are quite close. So I don't know about that part. "Im happy for them" I said snapping out quickly as possible.

"Are you sure Jade? You can tell me anything you know that right? We're friends after all ye?" He said smiling and then took a sip of his drink.

"Well...." I said, this time he looked at me and gave me a warm look to tell me its okay and go on. I took a sip of my drink. "The truth is, I like - love Perrie" I said looking back down on my fingers while I play with them.

"I KNEW IT" He said quite loudly. with a wide smile that he looks like he won the lottery. I looked at him confused

"What does that mean?" I asked lifting my eyebrow

"Jade, I know you. You and Perrie has this connection that no one can explain, and you two look good together, and by the looks of it, you make each other happy" He said looking me in the eye with a warm smile. 

"Oh Jed, She's happy" I paused choking, "With Alex" I continued almost about to tear up.

He was about to say something, but his phone rang.

"Wait Jade, I kinda need to take this" he said shyly, I nodded and gave him a smile "Excuse me" He stood up to answer the call. I looked back down to my tea, Thinking about Perrie, yea she is happy. She is. After a minute Jed came back with quite a rush.

"Im sorry Jade, I have to go. Management called" He shook his head and let out a little chuckle "It was nice seeing you, been so long" He said picking up his bag.

"Nice seeing you around too Jed" I gave him a smile. He pulled me in for a hug which I returned. He turned his back and was about to walk. But he looked back at me.

"Perrie deserves someone like you Jade" He said with a small smile. Which I just smiled back, Then he continued to walk.

I smiled at the thought, but hey, She looks happy. They are happy, she may deserve someone like me, But nah, I don't deserve her. She's too perfect for me. I checked the time on my laptop screen, I guess time to go home. I picked up my things and threw them in bag. And walking out to the cafe. I saw some cameras pointed at me while walking towards my car, It did not bother me that much because I quite used to it. I got in the car and started it


Mam💜: "You on the way home pet?"

Me: "Yes I am now mam, need anything?" 

Mam💜: "Nothing really, just checking and What do you want for dinner?"

Me: "Aw thanks mam, and I want mince dumplings!"

Mam💜: "Ok get home safely, Ill start cooking x"

I smiled at the message, thank God I have me mam with me. I drove off the parking lot and head home. I can smell those dumpling already!

I arrived in front if my house, went to park my car in the garage. Then went straight in, Once i opened the door the smell made my stomach growl like a tiger or a lion is living inside. I dropped my things on the couch and when straight to the kitchen. Saw my mam taking the dumpling out of the steamer and placing them on a plate. I walked up to her and hugged her. 

"Hi mam" I said with a child like voice

"You must be hungry dear?" i nodded still hugging her "Ok then sit down so we can eat" She said with a chuckle.

We sat down together, told her about Jed today, She was also glad that Jed now has a girlfriend. And I told her about how Jed reacted when I told him about me liking Perrie. My mom was not surprise, because she also said that to me when I first told her about my feelings. 

"I agree on Jed on that one" She said sipping her water, I looked at her waiting for her to continue "About Perrie deserving someone like you" she looked at me in the eye. "You are an awesome woman Pet" I looked down on my plate and played with my fingers. She lifted her free hand and held mine. "Don't doubt yourself that, you also deserve the world, and you deserve to be happy" she said brushing her thumb on the top of my hand smiling at me "I know Perrie gives you that happiness, but it breaks my heart seeing you this hurt, Im sorry pet" She said now tears falling from her eyes. I stood up and hugged her. 

"Thank you mam, Those words mean the world to me." I said wiping her tears "and don't be sorry, because all you ever done was to support me, and you are doing a fantastic at it"  I kissed her forehead. "Perrie makes me happy, But you do too. I love you mam" I said hugging her again

"I love you too pet" She said squeezing my arms.

"How about we watch some movies?" I looked at her with a wide smile. she nodded. 

"Ill take care of the dishes first, Wait for me in the couch" I gave her a smile and proceeded to taking the dishes to the sink. I smile to myself, realizing im so lucky to have her as my mom.

Author: "hi guys, thank you for reading! Take care x"

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