Ch. 58

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Later that night, the students of class 1-A had finally rested.

They even finished dinner and some were already done taking a bath after a long day of practice.

But boy, they are still as energetic as ever.


"QUIT RUNNIN' OFF ON YOUR OWN AND FOLLOW MY LEAD, ASSHOLE!" Bakugou told Kaminari, referring to the the other following his beats.

Since the drummer leads the bands rhythm.


"Your teachings were just like those of an expert, Jirou! Who would've thought that Kaminari, a complete amateur, could learn chord progressions in only a week?" Momo told the ravenette as the three of them clean the dishes.

The girl turned her attention to Hydra, "And if you didn't came earlier Hydra, who knows how long will be stuck." Momo sighed.

"You're exaggerating..." Jirou replied, shy at the compliment.

"I doubt that... You guys are fine without me." The bluenette answered as well.

The two was about to correct her but the blue haired suddenly exclaimed, "Wait, hold up! The tea smells amazing today."

Hydra's eyes widened.

It was her favorite tea, as her mother pour her that flavor for her to relax after a long day of training.

"Oh, you noticed?! My Mother sent me a care package! This is the black tea said to only exist in dreams: Gold-tips Imperial!" Momo was excited to be closer to Hydra.

She always had been ever since, but she was too shy to approach the intimidating bluenette.

"We had this at the mansion all the time, it was my favorite." Momo smiled at Hydra who's eyes couldn't leave the container that the ravenette was holding.

'Rich people I guess...' Jirou thought to herself.

"I'm glad that my Mother brought it then, please enjoy them to your heart's content." Momo said with a smile while giving a prepared one to the bluenette.

Everyone got theirselves some tea as well while Hydra had sat down at the sofa.

Not noticing Bakugou right beside her.

"What's that?" The blond asked the blue haired girl that gained her attention.

"Hm? Oh... It's a black tea, but the brand is my favorite since I was a child. Do you want some?" She asked the boy who nod.

Hydra then lent the cup onto the blond's lips, letting him take a sip.

And as she took the cup away, she anticipated his reaction, "So? Was it good?" The bluenette asked.

"Not as bitter as other teas." He simply said making the girl satisfied nevertheless.

"It'll be tastier with honey, you should try it sometime." The blue head said with a smile and drank at the same place of the cup that the boy's lips had touched.

"That's an indirect kiss... Didn't you noticed?" Bakugou asked, his whole body was facing Hydra while his leaning at the couch.

"Huh?" The bluenette was confused and looked at the blond.

"We basically kissed through the cup." With the blunt explanation, the blue haired girl's face reddened.

"O-Oh..." She muttered and continued drinking her tea.

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