Ch. 66

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Hydra left the kitchen with a plate of tangerines in her hand.

The bluenette walked back to the living room, where the kotatsu is placed.

Eri and Aizawa were comfortably tucked in.

"You two are going to fuse with the floor if you don't stand up there." She told them as she tucked herself in the kotatsu as well.

Heating her frozen body once again.

The raven haired man didn't waste any time and took a tangerine and ate one.

While the blue haired girl was peeling for the younger.

"How are we going to fuse with the floor?" The white haired kid asked, confused.

"It's an expression, you say it to someone who haven't even moved from their place ever since you saw them." Hydra explained while glaring at the man.

"This is the most rest I got from the whole year... I deserve this." Aizawa shrugged making the girl sigh.

"I know, but at least take a bath." The blue haired girl said and pinched her nose.

Eri did too and looked at the ravenette, "Take a bath."

It made the two girls chuckle as the man stood up with a groan.

"Alright, alright... We should buy some groceries for New Year's Eve as well. After I take a bath." He said and left to go to his room.

The New Year's Eve is the day after tomorrow anyways, so they needed to prepare.

"Come on Eri, we need to change into something warmer." Hydra told the younger as she fed her a piece of tangerine.

"Okay." The child obliged and followed the older to their room.

After fixing theirselves up, wearing some warm clothes.

The bluenette noticed the black scarf on Aizawa's neck.

"Looked good on you." The girl said with a grin, while holding Eri's hand.

"I know." The raven haired man replied while walking ahead, leaving the two girls behind.

"You could've just said, thank you." The blue haired girl told the taller with a glare.

When the three arrived at the grocery store, Hydra placed Eri inside the cart.

"What do you want to eat Eri?" The older asked the little girl while pushing the cart.

Aizawa on the other hand was only putting whatever he wants.

"I heard that cereal's not good for the health Aizawa." The bluenette glared at the man.

"As long as it's edible." The raven haired man shrugged but he stopped when the girl stopped on her tracks.

"Fine. Fine, I'll put it back." The older groaned and went back to put the cereal back.

Hydra placed her attention back to the smaller, who was just observing the scenario from the cart.

"Some steak would be fine... I've been craving for some, do you want that Eri?" The question was replied with a nod.

"Oh. Pudding." The bluenette took one from the shelf and showed it to the younger.

"This is delicious, I guarantee you." The blue haired girl told the child with pure determination in her eyes.

It inspired Eri, "Hm." She said as she nod with just the same determination.

"We should buy a dozen." Hydra then took more than she can count that Aizawa had to stop her.

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