Ch. 56

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Hydra summoned a crimson scythe and attacked Bakugou, who immediately dodged the giant weapon and tried to blow it up with his quirk.

The ravenette then tried to use a crimson whip to slash the blond with it.

The dust and debris had blocked the floating girl's view of the boy.

But she immediately noticed his presence on her side, about to use his quirk on her.

But instead of using any quirk-made weapons, Hydra kicked Bakugou's side that he launched off to the ground, creating a trail of dent.

"Those two are quite extreme with the training... Should we stop them?" Momo asked Iida who also looked at the worriedly.

"Sensei's not stopping them so I think it's fine..." The boy looked at their teacher who only observed the two's sparring.

The blond was still standing, dirt and sweat had trailed off his whole body.

While the ravenette glanced down at him, unfazed.

Bakugou smirked and used his quirk to launch himself up, trying to reach Hydra to attack her.

And the boy finally landed a hit.

But the girl was also able to pierce the blond with a crimson sword.

"Okay! That's enough!" Cementos finally interfered and approached the two.

The others gained the pair's attention as well.

Hydra carefully landed to the ground, finally unsheathing the sword from Bakugou.

Yet when the teacher eyed the boy's situation, he wasn't that fazed at all.

It's like he wasn't even stabbed.

Yet a hole in his hero costume was a sign that he was pierced.

A hole is present in the girl's hero costume too, probably from the explosion.

"So far, I can sense everyone's presence better than before." The ravenette muttered and looked at the blond.

"You had a sandwich this morning." She told him.

"Of course, you knew about that dumbass. You were there."

Cementos was confused at the situation, "Wait Bakugou... You're not injured?" He asked, touching the boy's shoulder as he inspect him once again.

"No, I'm not. We're making up special moves just like you had instructed." The blond just smacked the older's hand away, his attention back to the ravenette.

"The weapons I had summoned using my quirk are an alternative to how I'm able to read a person's mind... I had been using a pill before, but using a weapon to pierce an enemy to read their minds is more convenient." Hydra explained, but it was more likely for herself than for the pro hero.

She was thinking deeply, trying to analyze the use of her man-made quirk.

"If that's the case then tell me something I did earlier." Bakugou placed a finger on the girl's forehead.

"You blew a hole in my costume."


"Oh, you fed a cat. That's cute."

"I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU HYDRA!" The blond tried to chase the ravenette who transformed back to her usual color.

Then tried to ran away using her liquified form.

Cementos just sighed at the two.

Later at lunch, Hydra couldn't help but think to herself once again.

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