Real Life

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We sat in the living room together. I sat on one end of the couch and he sat on another. All the messages, calls, facetime all lead up to this moment.

"Stop staring you're making me nervous," I said which made him laugh. God, it was not my intention to make him laugh but I sure as hell am glad that he did. Hearing it through Discord and hearing it in real life is completely different.

"I make you nervous? You're seeing my face for the first time. Em, you're literally in my house. I should be the one nervous." He looked at me and it made me shrink back into my seat.

"Do I make you nervous?" I asked and he shook his head, his curls falling a little over his face.

"I feel comfortable around you, more than you'll ever know," he answered vaguely.

I couldn't help the laugh that had come out once he had said this.

"Even after I seemingly lost my mind today? Lost my god damn mind in an airport," I know this isn't the ideal topic when you are seeing someone you like in person for the first time but honestly I couldn't hold it anymore.

Corpse wasn't perfect, nobody is, but meeting him and seeing him makes me feel I am far far away from what he deserves. He was handsome beyond belief and he was one of the best people I have ever had the chance of meeting.

I, on the other hand, am the girl that loses her mind in the airport. The girl with voices in her head, different personalities, voices that were screaming at her now. I had many flaws, many things that people don't see through the internet, and if I were going to be with Corpse he'd see those flaws. The never ending list of flaws.

'Stop thinking like that. He loves you,' I heard someone say in my head. I felt someone touch my leg and it made me jump a bit. And by a bit, I mean a lot.

"Sorry I- 'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you. I was talking and you, I just wanted to make sure you were okay. Are you...okay?" I looked at him and his hand that was now away from me, near his own lap.

I reached over slowly, my finger grazing over his. He looked down and so did I. His bigger hand was now over my smaller one and I looked up at him trying to contain my huge smile.

"I didn't think you'd actually wear the rings," he said as he grabbed my hand and brought it closer to himself to see the rings he had gotten me for my birthday.

"Of course I do. It's good for the days we can't talk much cause then I still feel reassured you know?" He nodded at my words and his fingers continued to rub over my hand, not that I was complaining.

"You're not crazy Em. I told you everything about me and you still treat me with kindness. I'm here for you and I always will be. So I don't want to hear you calling yourself crazy okay?" He waited for me to answer but I only nodded. Honestly, I felt like if I opened my mouth I might start bitch baby crying again.

"Now it's late, yes but you haven't eaten in a while and I want to show off my husband material cooking skills," He stood up and helped me off the couch too.

I looked at him and squinted playfully at his words.

"Was that a pun on your name?"


A/N: I'm sorry this is so short. I haven't really been having the best week ever. the whole system tbh we're not doing too great. we're working on all books when we can but don't expect them too soon sorry

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