Chapter Eight: Future Reflections

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When consciousness came to greet me, the cold morning air had already sunk its teeth into my joints. Damp mist crept soundlessly beneath the pine, and the surrounding bushes released a sharp aroma that beckoned me awake.

I rolled to my side, holding my eyes closed against the rising sun. Not yet, brain. Too early. Pine needles stuck through my blanket and into my side like tiny soldiers jabbing me with swords. I shifted against them in vain, refusing to be awake at such an ungodly hour, but my shoulder blades and lower spine whined in contempt. A sparrow chittered and sang like its life depended on it. There was no use fighting it: I was awake.

Slowly my eyelids betrayed me, cracking open to expose me to Monson's mouth full of red hair. He was turned on his side, shoulders heaving with the snores of deep sleep. He was a little gullible for a soldier, if you ask me, but then again, I have never seen a man object to staring at Thea. His mass struck me. Going off pure speculation, I would say that his forearm alone weighed more than my full leg and two additional pounds. Then again, that might not be impressive considering I don't know the weight of my entire body let alone my one leg. It could weigh next to nothing in comparison.

I narrowed my eyes, too caught up in my own thoughts to deny the impulse to look at my leg. It's got some mass to least in the double digits.

The sparrow called again, wings fluttering in the treetops, directing my attention to the surrounding forest. Not even the damn forest has woken up yet. I huffed, taking in the curled fingers of ferns and petals of morning glory just starting to open. The mist seemed to canvas everything else, hiding rabbit dens and walkways.

My throat, once ignorant with sleep, went dry and I took to sitting up, unable to ignore the fact that I desperately needed some water. My eyes blinked heavily, and I ran my hands over the ground next to me to find my water jug. The damned thing was nowhere to be felt, and as soon as I had stopped encouraging my eyes to fall back asleep, I found It was also nowhere to be seen. My horse, as if reading my thoughts, puffed on cue. Of course, it's over there.

As standing was my only option, though I was not completely against the idea of crawling on my stomach, I walked over to the mare and begrudgingly dug through the packs strapped to her sides. Eventually I found the small sack perched under one of the riding bags. I found it completely empty.

My eyes rolled, "Naturally."

A sigh near my feet drew my attention and I followed the noise only to find Thea curled against a tree trunk. She had not left her position all night, and although the fire was responsibly smothered, I wondered at the fact she hadn't slept between her blankets. It wasn't frigid by any means but there was mist, and if hunting had taught me anything growing up, it was that being exposed, cold, and inhaling mist all night long was not ideal. Especially when she is the one "transporting" me to the Summer palace.

As if I were not simply traveling of my own volition alongside the two soldiers to the palace. Then again, it is not entirely my decision to be here. If it were up to me I'd be right back at the castle, or back in that Slerian courtroom making sure none of this would've happened in the first place.

I lowered the container to my side and felt a turning rise inside me. Her hair was let out of the braid it had been yesterday morning, but there were still daisies poking out of places she had failed to pluck. It stung at me. In fact, everything about her laying there, being here like some truculent nursemaid, stung at me.

I passed one more look at the blanket she had pushed aside in her sleep. It was tangled under her torso, but If I was careful, I would probably be able to pull it out and set it over her shoulders. Then It struck me that she was meant to be keeping watch and the impulse quickly passed. No doubt her pride had gotten in the way and she thought she could take a full watch on her own. I'll give her something to look for.

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