Chapter Fourteen: Forest, or Foe?

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Whatever it was, it was still here. I could feel it skirting around us, ducking behind trees, and treading lightly on the forest floor. Everything in my body refused to rest, or even daydream in the event of a threat. My heart would not stop racing, no matter how deep a breath I drew in and exhaled. Like I was a fly in a web, oblivious to trouble, ignorant of the trap that awaited me. Except I wasn't, I was only anxious.

Lansing slept soundlessly a few feet away from me, and Monson's snores could be heard from the other side of camp. Truly, I wish he wasn't a snorer. Nothing says "Hey, I am asleep and totally vulnerable to being murdered" like snoring does. I on the other hand was still reeling from the occurrence earlier this morning.

That creature seemed to have slithered into my brain, and I couldn't seem to push out the vision of its long spindle-like arms and how it waved at me. It was a trick of the light, and you were hungry. The voice in my brain reminds me. Don't make more problems for yourself. I agreed with my brain voice, but somehow it didn't stop me from replaying the motion over and over. That is until Lansing turned over in his sleep with a deep sigh. Then my mind was plagued with even more unpleasant thoughts, like spending the next four days with him alone and then some.

Part of me was curious to see what staying at the summer palace would be like. I had heard much about it from Arlyn when we were younger. He would talk about the pond and the animals that came into the yard when nights were cool and quiet. Ease like that was something I was unaccustomed to. Did I have to watch the prince every hour, or could freedom be allowed to let me walk the grounds and relax? I imagined I would have to patrol the hallways and grounds. But then maybe there were already guards there, and I was simply meant to be on some sort of vacation until the return home. Obviously, the latter option was most desirable, but a strange part of me also didn't mind the thought of working either. Relaxing wasn't really something I knew how to do, and I would feel more honest if I spent my time being a bodyguard than being some kind of freeloader on Arlyn's dime. Lansing admittedly was not the ideal choice of companion or company, but at least he was clever and would not drone on about boring topics. That is if he stopped to talk to me at all. Since our conversation earlier, he had been unusually quiet, no longer caring to draw me out. The prince stuck closer to Monson instead, the two of them swapping stories and laughing about Monson's siblings.

Sometimes I felt like joining them, especially because horse riding grew tiresome after a while and my own thoughts revolved around the same three topics: my mother being home alone, my stomach being empty, and my ass being sore. I wasn't exactly exciting company for myself, and my social skills could definitely be brushed up on. So, when Monson would really laugh at something that was said or they would look intensely interested in the conversation the impulse to draw my horse closer was strong. But then Lansing would pass me this knowing look over his shoulder when I had been staring too long or was leaning my ear in. It was like his face was saying Come on, Thea. I know you want to join us. That was enough to sour me into letting my horse slow down and go back to staring at the forest. His perceptions were annoying...especially when they were right.

"Why are you watching me sleep?"

I nearly jumped out of my skin at the sound of a deep voice and narrowed my eyes to find Lansing's face in the dark. The best I could make out with the lack of light was a curve of his cheekbone and the beginnings of an eyebrow. I hadn't even noticed he was facing me.

"How can you see me?" I asked, then regretted not defending myself against his question.

Lansing didn't move, but his voice cut through the blackness again, "You're sitting more in the light than I am... Creepily."

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