Skit 2: Love Hotel Shenanigans

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(I changed some scenes in this Skit and included a spicy event that will unlock Lovers Rank 10 👀)

Sakuya and the others went to where they defeated the Arcana Heirophant and saw Arcana Lovers flying down from above. Yukari stepped forward and points at the flying creature.

Yukari: Because of your mind control, Sakuya nearly lost his innocence. i wont forgive you!!

Sakuya looked down while the others were suprised about what Yukari said.

Junpei: You two did the thing?!

Akihiko hits Junpei and speaks.

Akihiko: I-I nearly made Miki lost hers too.

Mitsuru: W-We'll pretend we forget about this, okay?!

Miki: G-Got it!!

Akihiko, Junpei and Miki nods in agreement while Sakuya remininsce about what happened between him and Yukari.

Sakuya and Yukari nearly did the "deed" but Yukari managed to snap out of the control and Sakuya did too after a short time of being hypnotized. Sakuya gripped on his sword and commanded his team.

Sakuya: Everyone, Commencing attack!!

Sakuya and the others summoned their Personas to deal damage to the flying Arcana, who fired a beam at Junpei, who began to laugh like crazy and raised his sword.


Junpei swings his Katana at Akihiko then to Mitsuru after yelling out her name. Junpei attacks Sakuya after Mitsuru dodged his attacks.

Junpei: SAKUYA!!

Sakuya blocks Junpei attack and tries to push him back without hurting him.

Sakuya: Junpei... Sorry for this..

Sakuya sidesteps after pushing back Junpei with his Aroundight sword then preforms a backhand slap on Junpei snapping him out of the control.

Junpei: Thanks, Sakuya.. you saved my ass there..

Mitsuru: Watch out!!

Arcana Lovers fired heart shaped projectiles aimed at the team but Sakuya pushed Miki out of the way but Yukari and Mitsuru began to do some sexy dances after being hit by the Arcana Lover's attack. Miki covered Fuuka's eyes to prevent her from seeing what the flying Arcana did to Yukari and Mitsuru.

Yukari wrapped her arms around Sakuya and lifts her left leg on his waist while Mitsuru grabbed the leader's left arm and rubbed her chest on his elbow.

The blue haired leader is unfazed by what the girls are doing but Sakuya wrapped his right hand on Yukari's waist. Mitsuru then saw Akihiko and Junpei and began to attack them both. Akihiko went on Miki's side to defend her.

Akihiko: Miki, are you ok??

Miki: Y-Yeah, but Fuuka is...

Fuuka: I don't think I'm getting married after this..

Junpei allowed Mitsuru to step on his back after a struggle and Mitsuru points her rapier at his shoulder. Mitsuru spoke in a seductive tone.

Mitsuru: Do you like this, Iori~

Junpei replied in a nervious tone.

Junpei: Yes i do and this is not bad at all...

Akihiko faced Sakuya, who still has Yukari in his arms and commanded the blue haired boy to do something. Sakuya pulls his Evoker out and aimed the gun at his head while Yukari lets out hot breaths on his neck.

Sakuya: Orpheus..!!

Sakuya summoned Orpheus who bashed its lyre at Arcana Lovers, which falls down and snaps the ladies out of the Arcana's control. Mitsuru slapped Junpei, who yells at Sakuya for ruining the moment.

Junpei: Sakuya, you bastard. You ruined the best part!!

Yukari blushed and moves away from Sakuya and looks away but faced the Arcana Lovers and spoke in anger.

Yukari: I won't forgive you. Everyone, It's time for an All-Out Attack!!

Akihiko: I've been waiting for this!!

Junpei: Alright, let's get him!!

Mitsuru: You'll fall by my hand!!

Sakuya and his team preforms an All-Out Attack which ends with Sakuya and Miki summoning Orpheus and Ceres to slash Arcana Lovers, who dissappeared into black smoke. S.E.E.S began to let out a sigh of relief after the battle and walked out of the hotel in silence.

Inside the Shadow Operatives base in his room, Sakuya washed his face then opened the door after hearing a knock outside. Yukari walked in wearing her casual clothes and sat on the bed after closing the door then talked to the blue head nervously.

Yukari: Hey, Sakuya...

Sakuya: Yes...??

Yukari pulls the blue head on top of her then slowly began to take off her clothes. Sakuya didn't understand her intention but goes along with the flow.

Yukari hugged Sakuya then whispered to his ears.

Yukari: Make me yours, Sakuya...

Outside on the halls, Junpei walked towards his room and stopped when he hear moaning in Sakuya's room then placed his ear near the door out of curousity.

Yukari: Oh god, please be gentle, Sakuya~!!

Junpei returned to his room in a panic after hearing the noises on Sakuya's room then goes to sleep.

In the Velvet Room, Igor laughed at the golden Lovers card floating in front of him then spoke.

Igor: Congratulations, Dear guest. You managed to unlock the true power of the Lovers Arcana. You can now fuse Cybele, the diety of Phrygia.

Elizabeth: I wonder what will be the outcome of the future, Theo...

Theodore: I'm not sure but... i hope it will be a good one..

Word Count: 857

KaiTalk Time!

Kaitou: I kinda want Yukari to awaken a Third Persona after the *ahem* spicy scene but I want a funny moment so i made Junpei the victim. Thanks for reading... Did you see that bed scene, Rena_789-neechan!!

Adeu, Readers.

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