Chapter 3: A Heart within the Empty Soul

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The Shadow Operatives were saddened after remembering Miki's betrayal. Sakuya couldn't say anything after waking up then Junpei broke the silence.

Junpei: So that old man was alive this entire time!!

Mitsuru: We don't know yet... I could have sworn he fell off Tartarus after Father shot him.

Akihiko: Mitsuru, If you think about having revenge, then don't do it.

Mitsuru then snapped at Akihiko.


Akihiko and the others were suprised by what Mitsuru said and turned their attention to Sakuya, who woke up from his rest and rubbed his eyes.

Sakuya: What happened...

Mitsuru calmed down and spoke in her normal voice.

Mitsuru: Miki blasted you with Proserpina's fire skills but luckily, you managed to switch to Pyro Jack before the attack did more damage to you.

Sakuya felt relieved but also saddened which is noticed by Yukari.

Yukari: You promised her that you will be by her side, right... but..

Sakuya clenched his fists.

Sakuya: I couldn't even do it...that old man is going to pay for what he did...

Mitsuru sighed then looked at Akihiko with crossed arms.

Mitsuru: For once i agree with Akihiko's word about revenge.

Sakuya then tells everyone his plan that suprised them.

Sakuya: Let me... fight her by myself..

Akihiko: Are you crazy. What if you get blasted by her again!!

Mitsuru then noticed Sakuya's determined eyes then speaks.

Mitsuru: Alright but call backup once the situation gets worse.

Sakuya: Yes ma'am.

In a underground lab, Sakuya and his team encounter Miki, who now wears a black butterfly themed dress and a band of ribbon on her right thigh that holds her Evoker. her eyes shows no light hinting she is back into being Ikutsuki's puppet. Sakuya steps forward while Ikutsuki watches from above then General Teddy speaks through a speaker.

General Teddy: Ladies and Gentlefolks, Our first battle in this arena will be the Emo Wild Card Messiah versus the Pink Butterfly of Absolute Cuteness. Are you ready??

Sakuya and Miki ready their battle stances then charges at each other after General Teddy says go.

Sakuya and Miki exchange weapon blows but Miki pushed him into a corner where he was electrocuted by an invisible field which is noticed the others.

Mitsuru: That guy..

Junpei: Damn it, now we can't help Sakuya!!

Yukari: But Sakuya told us that he wants to fight Miki alone. Let's pray for his safety for now.

Aegis: Affirmative.

Sakuya stands up and saw a red Proserpina firing a huge Agi skill then fires his Evoker after saying a Persona's name.

Sakuya: Pyro Jack!

Pyro Jack absorbs the fire with his lantern then switches to another persona after Sakuya fires his evoker again.

Sakuya: Kohryu!

A gold dragon then rams itself towards Proserpina then Sakuya switches to another Persona after Kohryu sucessfully dealt damage to Miki's Persona.

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