Chapter 5: An Infinity from Zero, Orpheus Telos

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(Skippily Do, Skippily That. I will skip a lot of battle and Makoto scenes and gladly tip my hat.)

Sakuya and the Shadow Operatives knelt down in exhaustion after landing combination of attacks at Hinokagutsuchi, who regenerated from the flames that the combined attacks created. Hinokagutsuchi then grabs Sakuya, who is trying to resist the burning grip of Hinokagutsuchi.

Hinokagutsuchi: It's no use. No one can survive my flames..

Sakuya: Heh... You are saying that because your chad of a dad and your weather reporter mom rejected you..

Hinokagutsuchi then increases the burn of his grip after Sakuya mentions the name of his parents. Sakuya screams in pain which wakes the Shadow Operatives from their recovery sleep.

Junpei: That son of a bitch is still up!!

Yukari: I thought i heard Sakuya's voice...

Akihiko: You are not wrong, Takeba...

Mitsuru: Then...

Aegis: Up there..Sakuya-san... is being burned..

The others gasps in suprise then looked up to see Sakuya being burned to death by Hinokagutsuchi. Yukari tried to used her broken Evoker but failed and threw her Evoker down and clenched her fists on the ground.

Yukari: Damn it!!

Mitsuru: Takeba...

Junpei: Is this the end...

Fuuka: No... We can't give up yet!!

Aegis: S..Sakuya-san...

Hinokagutsuchi lets out a laugh.

Hinokagutsuchi: Give up... You cannot defeat a god!!

Sakuya then opens one eye and speaks while resisting the pain.

Sakuya: We will...defeat you...

Hinokagutsuchi then increases his flames that completly knocks the leader unconsious then lets go of him to let him fall to his death. Miki then wakes up and screamed Sakuya's name that changes her Persona, which now have golden detailed accessories.

Miki: Sakuya-senpai!!

Stella formed a smile on her face from seeing the Greek Goddess evolve then speaks.

Stella: The bond of your team...has reached out this Persona.

Miki then floats in the air with her Persona and catches Sakuya from his fall. Mitsuru and the others were suprised from seeing the evolution of Miki's Persona.

Junpei: What the heck is that!!

Akihiko: That Persona...

Mitsuru: Demeter Prime... Miki's Prime Persona...

Fuuka: Her desire to protect her loved ones... awakened a new power.

Aegis: Miki-san...

After seeing Miki's act of courage, the Shadow Operatives Third Persona's awakened into their Prime forms and pushed Hinokagutsuchi away from Miki and Sakuya, who are able to land to the ground safely.

Miki then hugged Sakuya in tears as Yukari used Nephthys Prime to heal the burn marks of Sakuya's body.

Yukari: Sakuya..Makoto... Don't die on us, you idiots!!

The sight of Sakuya's badly injured body was enough to make Demeter Prime fire chains of Arrow Rain at Hinokagutsuchi from Miki's commands then Sakuya began to float in the air after his injuries disappear and points his finger up just like when he sealed Nyx.

The Prime Personas and Shadow Operatives then raised their hands to transfer their energy to Sakuya, who is now sorrounded by 99 Persona Cards with a giant Fool Arcana Card behind him.

The Shadow Operatives began to speak one by one to encourage their leader.

Mitsuru: We'll leave the rest to you, Shiomi..

Akihiko: Finish it all in one blow!!

Junpei: Show this guy who is the real hotshot!!

Yukari: The fate of the world is in your hands now!!

Miki raised her fist on the air and cheered her leader, who smiled at the team.

Miki: You can do it. The world believes in you!!

Sakuya then spreads his arms out and called the name of his new Persona.

Sakuya: Orpheus Telos!!

Orpheus Telos then appeared after the fusion of all Persona Cards and looked at Hinokagutsuchi, who becomes terrified at the presence of the new Orpheus and tried to attack the Prime Persona but a barrier blocked the attack then Orpheus Telos throws a giant golden energy ball at Hinokagutsuchi, who then explodes into chunks of rocks after making contact with Orpheus Telos's attack.

Sakuya then splits into two after Orpheus Telos disappears. Yukari caught the falling body and Sakuya gently lands on the ground facing his team.

Mitsuru: So this is goodbye, Shiomi..

Sakuya: Mhm... I already fufilled my role..

Yukari: Your role??

Sakuya: My role is to give Makoto a chance to see you guys one more time...

Akihiko: It was fun being led by you, Shiomi..

Junpei: Then, What will happen to Makoto..??

Sakuya: He will wake up with his memories intact... but...

Aegis: He will forget whatever you did, right..??

Sakuya: Correct..

Sakuya smiled and faced Miki, who tried to hold her tears back. Miki then hugged the glowing translucent blue body of Sakuya and speaks while sniffling.

Miki: Promise me...that you will visit tommorow...

Sakuya realized what Miki said and speaks after smiling warmly and Yukari checkd her phone which the date says "March 4th" one day before Makoto's death and Miki's birthday.

Sakuya: advance Happy birthday, Miki... I wish you well and take care of Makoto for me.

Miki wipes a tear on her eye then smiled.

Miki: I will.. I promise..

Sakuya smiled again and disappears into a flock of blue butterflies that dances in the sky. After the butterflies were nowhere to be seen in the sky, the Shadow Operatives leaves the battleground together looking forward what tommorow brings them.

KaiTalk Time!

Kaitou: I felt like crying when i wrote the last part ngl. Next chapter will be the final chapter and that's it.

Adieu Readers!

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