OVA: In the Case of Yukari Takeba

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(You know that scene where Yukari left her wallet and the player had to like beat up some thugs to help her. That's what this OVA is for but different and also, Im a big fan of this ship.)

Sakuya and Yukari went to the middle of the station after watching the new Featherman Victory Movie. Yukari felt bad for Sakuya because he was being bothered by the males for hanging out with one of the cast of the movie but judging by his expression, he does not mind it at all.

Yukari checked her bag only to see that her wallet is missing then tugged on Sakuya's sleeve, who stopped to face the actress.

Yukari: I forgot my wallet. could you wait here for me??

Sakuya placed his hands inside the pockets of his pants then speaks.

Sakuya: Alright, give me a call if you found it.

Yukari smiled then speaks.

Yukari: Got it, Leader.

Yukari then went back to the entrace to the movie only to be grabbed by three thugs. One of them covered her mouth while the other two grabbed her by the arms.

Punk 1: Hey boss, we got ourselves a good treat.

Punk 2: Let's strip her down and make her submit to us.

Punk Boss: Good idea..

Back to where Sakuya is, Sakuya's head began to ring and Stella's voice can be heard in his head.

Stella: Lovers has been held hostage by some people, you got to save her.

Sakuya: Just like before huh..

The voice in head starts to disappear and Sakuya went to where the movie is and saw Yukari being stripped down by punks, who noticed his presence then stopped.

Punk Boss: Who the hell are you?!

Sakuya sighed then speaks.

Sakuya: That's my girlfriend that you are holding and if you dont let go of her after 30 seconds..

Sakuya placed two fingers on his right hair which covers his right eye.

Sakuya: The hidden power of my right eye will decide your fate...

The punks shivered after what Sakuya said then Sakuya looked at Yukari, his gaze at her telling to act along with him which she did.

Yukari: Oh no, If you wont let go of me this instant, my boyfriend will unleash the power of his right eye that can destroy many planets along with the entire galaxy..?!

The punks lets go of Yukari then ran away after thinking about what they said. One of them probably soiled themselves after thinking about the power of Sakuya's right eye.

After the punks ran away, Sakuya helped Yukari up and then fixes her clothing along with her hair. Yukari smiled and speaks.

Yukari: Thanks Sakuya. About your right eye..

Sakuya looked at Yukari with a face of confusion then speaks.

Sakuya: Nothing special about it.

Yukari was suprised then speaks.

Yukari: Eh?! But you said.

Sakuya smiled like an angel then speaks next.

Sakuya: Its a joke that i made up just in case someone threatens to hurt my friends.

Yukari felt that a big weight has been lifted off her then wraps her arms around Sakuya's while her head rest on his shoulder.

Yukari: Thanks for saving me...

Sakuya: You're welcome. Im lucky to be friends with a beautiful actress like you.

Yukari blushed red but smiled after calming down her beating heart from Sakuya's compliment.

Yukari: Why don't we have our lunch at Wild Duck Burger. My treat for saving me.

Sakuya smiled.

Sakuya: I'll pay. i got some money from doing requests in the Velvet Room anyway.

Yukari giggled a bit then speaks with enthusiasm.

Yukari: Wild Duck Burger, here we come!!

Yukari and Sakuya spent their time together in Wild Duck Burger then went home to the Shadow Operatives base in the evening.

The next day, Yukari brought Sakuya with her to watch her act in the new episode of Featherman Victory then introduced him to the staff with the manager mistaking him as her boyfriend earing a blush from the actor but doesn't mind it at all now that the person she loved is here.

KaiTalk Time!

Kaitou: Next OVA will focus on Miki, Rena_789-neechan's baby girl. It also unlocks the Rank 10 of Star Arcana and evolve her Persona into Proserpina, Ceres's child.

Well then, Adeu Readers!!

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