ii. Chapter 1.

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"You're Captain America!" Felix said in a voice of disbelief. Rogers gave a nod with a gentle smile. "Why are you in my apartment?"

"An old friend of mine recently went missing. Before he left, he gave us a clue to tracking him down." Rogers explained. " 'Find the black cat. Stop the accords'. We thought he meant something in his house or a file. It turns out, it's a person."

"We think the original Black Cat was our friend Domino." Sam crossed his arms. "Or at the very least knew him."

Felix frowned moving to take a seat on his white couch, his cat meowing disgruntled as it dismounted and disappeared down the hallway. Already there was holes in this theory, given who the "old" Black Cat was.

"The old Black Cat was my dad. And a lot of the time we would actually watch Domino on TV together, so he couldn't have been him."

"Regardless, we need to get in contact with him."

"I can't even get in contact with him. He's in Japan helping some uprising or something. I don't know I'm not really sure." The small boy scoffed, swinging his bag off his shoulder.

"What about the new Black Cat?" Sam asked, looking pointedly at Felix. A quick glance between the two was exchanged between the trio, confirming what Felix was afraid of.

"Tell Nick, that the next time he discloses my name to anyone without my permission, Im robbing whatevers left of S.H.I.E.L.D, okay?" He crossed his arms stubbornly.

"Noted. What do you know about Domino?" Sam was staring at him like he wad the villain, something that both annoyed and excited Felix.

"He was my favorite Avenger. I thought him and Captain America were dating-" He paused as Steve sputtered. "And I was said when the news said he died in Sokovia."

"He was gravely injured, but he had enemies. So we thought that it would be best to keep what we thought happened to him under wraps. But he disappeared, and shortly after that Black Cat surfaced."

Felix was in shock as he thought about that day. His father had stayed home to do more work... But with everything that he knew now, he was sure there was a way for his father to do both.

"Well, we're headed to the Accords now. Maybe you can-"

"No." Felix said. "I can't just pack and head off to... wherever the Accords are being signed."

"Why not?" Sam raised a brow at him.

Felix crossed his arms, hugging himself tightly. "I have homework." He concluded with a shrug.
Peter felt Felix tense up underneath him, a signature sign he was awake.

"Everything ok?" Peter asked, moving bus head ever so slightly so he could look down at the fluffy mess that was currently Felix's head.

The night before, Felix had snuck into his room and spent the night. The first time this had happened was after a particularly grueling night in which former members of Maggia had opened fire on Black Cat and Spiderman. Miraculously none if the bullets had hit Black, but a few had hit Peter. They had managed to get him into the room by the time the wounds had began to close, but Peter had been reluctant to let Felix leave, instead trapping him in an embrace and showering him in his worries. Now it was an almost daily occurrence.

"If you had a chance to change the world... would you do it?" Felix asked, his voice slightly muffled against Peter's chest. "I mean, even if lots of people are telling you not to?"

"Well, aren't lots of people telling you not to steal art?"

"Including you?"

"Heh. Because its bad."

"I think that's debatable."

"How is that debatable? It's literally against the law!"

"Petey, focus."

"Right, sorry!" Peter looked at the ceiling, as though the answer would be there. "I think that maybe you need to follow your heart?"

Felix grimaced, sitting up much to the protest of Peter.

"Everybody keeps saying follow something, like it's supposed to be easy!" He rose out of the bed, walking over to the closet and opening it, his fingers gliding over the clothes inside. "My hearts telling me to mind my business and keep my head down! My heads telling me that this is my business! I've got this weird prickly feeling in my gut telling me to just follow the wind, and another one in my bones telling me that no matter what I do it's pointless." He sighed as he gripped a black nasa sweater softly. "I just want to know what it is I'm supposed to be doing." Felix turned to look at Peter, a perplexed look on his face.

"Well..." Peter sat up, running a hand through his hair. "Do you remember Hammerhead?"

"Weird guy with a metal plate in his forehead? Threw my life into chaos? Sent my dad running to Japan? Nope! Doesn't ring a bell."

Peter chuckled, shaking his head. "Do you remember when you fought him, and even though we all knew that if he got the chance he would kill you, you chose to spare him and turn him into the cops?" Felix crossed his arms, the ghost feeling of being stabbed in the thigh tugging at his subconscious. "Deep down Felix, you know what the right decision is. And even if the people around you don't trust your choices, and might even think you're wrong, you always know exactly what to do."

"That doesn't he-"

"I'm not finished yet!" Peter rushed. "At the end of the day, you can't worry about what others think is right. Black Cat's actions are sometimes bad yes, but people see him as a hero because when he see's injustice, whether its to a billionaire or a bum, he stands up to it. Even with the news blasting him, and gangs hating him, he keeps fighting for what he thinks is right. And sure, we can't see what the endgame is, but we all know that once he's done, everything is gonna be ok."

Felix looked at the floor, his mind processing what Peter told him. He took a step back into the closet as the door opened and May peeked in.

"Everything ok in here? I thought I heard talking." She looked in at him, Felix tucked safely out of her eyes in the closet.

"Yeah! Just uh- practicing a presentation for class!" Peter lied quickly, his eyes darting to Felix, who had silently slid deeper into the closet.

"Oh that's nice. Wanna practice on me?" She stepped further into the room.

"No! It's not ready yet I mean!" He held his hands up to stop her from walking in. "And I-I'm a little naked right now."

"Oh... ok. Well I'll just let you get dressed. I'd love to hear a little sneak peek!" She tittered, turning and closing the door behind her.

"That was close." Peter breathed a sigh of relief.

"And lucky." Felix said, stepping out of the closet and tussling his hair. "I should probably get going." He moved over to the window, sliding it open and letting the sound of the rushing city flood in.

"Oh. Ok. I'll see you at school?"

"Yeah, Petey. I'll see you at school." Felix smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes. He leaned down, pressing his lips to Peters. Peter closed his eyes, moaning softly, and whining when the kiss ended abruptly. When he opened his eyes, Felix was gone.

"I gotta learn to do that." He rose, wrapping his blanket around his waist to hide his excitement.
"Hey, Mr.Rogers?" Felix spoke into the phone, hering the affirmation from the soldier on the other end. "I'm in. Where should I meet you?"

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