Chapter 11.

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"What's this?" Felix leaned over to examine the sheet Orya and Corven were bent over, only to have the sheet ripped out of sight in a flash.

"Secret project!" Corven said.

"Yeah, we're allowed to have secrets too." Orya said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Felix raised a brow at them. Neither of them responded to him. "Okay..." He took his backpack off and sank into the seat in the bleachers, noticing how his friends bristled at the action. "Are you guys all right?"

"Why wouldn't we be alright?" Corven responded quickly.

"Just wondering." Felix said, pulling at his school shorts so they covered more of his thighs.

They were having a small mash of classes to watch some of the Captain America films in their health class. All the upperclassmen referred to it as "Freshman hell week", as it involved a multitude of awkward talks and videos of the Shielded Avenger that were incredibly cringeworthy.

Because of this, a majority of their other classes were disregarded. They had been assigned a ton of review for their classes, with many teachers promising quizzes when they got back into a normal schedule.

"I think that Peter and Ned are gonna be here soon." Felix said a little distracted, peering towards the boys locker room. Everyone was required to change into their gym clothes, which insinuated some sort of work-out.

The shorts all went to just above mid-thigh, with the shirts long sleeved for the winter. Felix felt exposed, realizing the irony in a tight suit that was broadcasted on the t.v as Black Cat.

"Good for them." Orya said, peering at the sheet of paper again. Felix resolved to steal it eventually, the itch to do so rising again.

He hadn't donned the suit in almost three days, feeling that he was too high profile. In 9 nine days however he would need to put on the metal and leather suit and head to a museum in order to steal the painting known as The Maria. The gang war raged in the streets, but it had centralized, with less innocents getting hurt. It was still too many for Felix's liking, but the webshooter was helping clean it up. He was gaining infamy for his actions in busting up gang fights and shootouts.

"Hey!" Peter sunk down next to Felix, Ned shortly behind him.

"Hey!" Felix responded, his hands naturally highfiving Ned as the last of their friends took his seat in front of them. Peter also noted the cold shoulder he recieved from two-fifths of their friends, and sent a curious glance to Felix, who shrugged.

"Allrighty kids!" Coach Hu instructed walking in with the Health teacher shortly behind her. A muscular woman, with glasses on her fac, that inspired nervousness. "Everyone, 5 laps!"

They all stood, Corven quickly folding the sheet and shoving it in his pocket as they all hustled to get down from their seats and around the gym.

Orya, Corven, and Felix were eventually leading the pack by a lap, with Peter staying behind with Ned to keep the boy company. Felix was behind his two friends, watching carefully. He just needed the paper to peer out slightly. They rounded the corner and Felix's chance came up. The trio had to navigate through people now, and Felix sped up a little bit, passing his friends. Felix came up beside someone, a random blonde girl, bumping her casually. She whirled, tripping over her own feet and collided with Corven, who proceeded to trip and catch the back od Ned's shirt.

Orya quickly helped up Ned, while Peter lifted Corven.

"Hey, are you ok?" Peter asked a slightly dazed Corven. When the blue-eyed male realized who had helped her hopped backwards, and was steadied by another pair of arms.

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