Chapter three - Revenge

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Togami looked at his toilet in disgust, seeing the massive poop that covered the toilet. "Ew disgusting, the only person with cute poops is Makoto. I know who's this is though, it's definitely Kyoko." He said to himself, sighing. "And I was planning to spend time with Makoto, but first I should get revenge." He walked out of the bathroom, decided he'd clean that up later. For now he had something to take care of.

He wanted to make Kyoko jealous, more jealous than she already was of him and Makoto. As much as he wanted to spend time with him for hours, he knew he could only be with him for a small moment. He walked over to Naegi's dorm and knocked on the door, a small smile on his face. After a few seconds, he was greeted by Makoto. "Oh hello Byakuya, is there anything you need?" He asked, inviting him in.

"Mhm yeah, I've been meaning to ask you something." He said, a small blush on his face. "What is it?" He asked, a confused look on his face. "Well... say you are my Baka!" He yelled, his blush growing. Makoto's face also reddened. "Huh w- w- w - w- what owo?" He asked, slightly sharting. "I'm your Baka..!" He yelled back.

"Really? You mean that?" Togami asked, feeling his heart pound. "Of course, I'm your Baka." Togami smiled, "Thank you. I'd love to stay but I have to go. I'll see you later, Baka." He waved and left the room.

"I CANT BELIEVE HE SAID THAT! ABSJSBAKAJAK I LOVE HIM SO MUCH!" Togami yelled, fangirling to himself in his room. "Okay, now Kyoko is going to be super jealous after she sees this." He said, recording his tik tok and tagging her. "Hahaha, that's what you get."

Time skip OwO

Kyoko looked at her handbook, seeing she was tagged in a tik tok. "Huh? Who could've tagged me?" She thought to herself, opening tik tok. A big frown appeared on her face, seeing the username. "Why would Byakuya tag me? All he post is disgusting thirst traps for makoto." She said in disgust, looking a the tik tok. Tears slipped out of her eyes, watching the video. "W-What? This can't be real! He would never!" She yelled in horror, throwing her handbook against the wall.

And the video that played was...
(It won't let me attach videos cause it's homophobic or whatever so pretend it's a video of him dancing idk)

(It won't let me attach videos cause it's homophobic or whatever so pretend it's a video of him dancing idk)

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She sat on her bed and cried, curling up in a ball. "Just you wait Togami, you'll see. I'll prove you wrong. If it's a fight you what, then it's a fight you're gonna get. You're not ready for my next attack." She stammered out angrily through her tears. "Makoto loves me, not you..."

MAKOTO NAEGI IS MINE OWO - a Naegami and Naegiri story Where stories live. Discover now