Chapter one - penut butter

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Togami ran across the hallways, looking for Makoto. He knew makoto had nothing important to do in his life so he was confused on why he wasn't bothering him at the moment.
"What if he was murdered?" Togami said to himself out loud, his eyes building up with tears just at the thought of it. "No, he could never be dead!"
He continued to search for him in every room, until he finally found him. But, what he saw tore his heart apart. Makoto was talking with Kyoko! He held in his tears as he stomped over to them. "What is going on here?" He yelled in confusion, his face full of anger and sadness.

"GASP!" "Byakuya, what are you doing here?" Makoto asked, and Kyoko standing next to him in anger. "Why are you hanging out with her? Didn't I tell you she's dangerous? What if she's the mastermind spy?" He yelled, small tears falling from his eyes. "I know! She just wanted to talk to me about alter ego and stuff. I was planning on talking to you after." Makoto said, sharting his pants.

Togami felt himself become relieved, he was glad nothing else was going on between them. But soon after he felt himself fill with anger again. "Yeah, why don't you leave Byakuya? We're in the middle of something." Kyoko said with a rude tone, glaring over at Togami. "How about you leave! We both know Makoto likes me better." He said, glaring back at her. Kyoko just shook her head, "I don't care what you have to say, I have somewhere to be. Goodbye now." She then walked off, leaving the two alone.

"I'm sorry Byakuya, I didn't mean to worry you or anything." Makoto said, smiling softly at Togami. He sighed and looked to the side, "It's alright. But I don't want you hanging around her. I'm scared, she might be using you like Sayaka did." Makoto blushed, "Oh, well then I'll try to stay away from her more. I don't think she's dangerous though, she's my friend. I really like her, she's also really smart!"

Togami felt like he was gonna cry again, he hated what he was hearing. He hated that Makoto was friends with Kyoko, he wanted him all to himself. "Are you in love with Kyoko?" He asked, still trying to keep calm. Makoto eyes widened in shock, "WHAT? NO OF COURSE NOT! I meant she's a great detective and I like investigating with her!" He said. "Do you not like investigating with me? You didn't enjoy our investigation before trial two?" He asked, tears starting to stream from his eyes again.

"No i did owo!" Makoto said, walking over to Togami. "Me too.." he mumbled, wiping away with his tears. "Well, should we go now?" Makoto asked, grabbing a hold of his hand. Togami nodded and they walked over together to go hang out.

Kyoko growled angrily, watching through the window. "I'll get you Byakuya... Naegi is mine owo." She whispered to herself before running off.

MAKOTO NAEGI IS MINE OWO - a Naegami and Naegiri story Where stories live. Discover now