𝙬𝙝𝙚𝙣 𝙮𝙤𝙪'𝙧𝙚 𝙨𝙞𝙘𝙠 - 𝙝𝙘

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𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐝 :




- Amber will try her hardest to cook the best food she can
- she'll feed you and help you with everything because she wants you to rest the best you possibly can
- overall, Amber is just such a sweetheart

"y/n! Are you okay?" She takes your temperature and notices you have a high fever. Amber isn't known to be the best chef, but she tries her best to follow your favourite recipe. "Here, I tried to make your favourite food!" She feeds you because she wants you to rest the best you can. It's not the best, but you can tell she put a lot of effort into the dish. "Thank you, Amber."

"Get well soon, y/n." Amber said, with a heartwarming smile.

- she doesn't care if it's a small cold, she WILL bring you home.
- kisses you a lot, doesn't care if you're sick.
- shows a LOT of affection so you'll feel better.

"Oh? My cutie, are you okay? You've been sneezing and coughing a lot recently." Lisa asks, with a worried voice. "I'm feeling a little sick." "Oh, that's not good. My little helper can't work when they're sick. Let's bring you home. I'll talk to Jean about our absence tomorrow, don't worry~." She said. "Lisa, it's really not that bad-" Lisa puts a finger on your lips to shush you. "No cutie, we have to make sure it doesn't turn into anything serious, okay?"

Lisa walks you back to your shared home, and she tucks you into the bed. She kisses you on the forehead. "Rest well and get better soon, sweetie."

- she would take work off to take care of you
- she usually doesn't show a lot of affection because she's always so busy, but she will when you're sick.
- "I will protect you."

"y/n, are you okay? I heard you puking when you woke up." Jean asks as she works on her paperwork. "No... I'm feeling nauseous." you say in reply. "Go rest. I'm taking today off to take care of you." You know you can't talk her out of her decisions, so you lay on the bed. Jean sits next to you, patting your head. "I'll work next to you, so make sure to let me know if you feel uncomfortable anywhere."

You fall asleep, comfortable on the bed. Jean decides to let herself have a rest with you, she puts her papers to the side and lays next to you. She gently puts your head against her chest and falls asleep.

- at first, she would disregard your sickness and would want you to work with her
- "cmon, no more lazing around"

"y/n wake up! We have commissions to do today." Keqing said, shaking you awake. "Keqing... I'm not feeling well. Can I have a break today?" You asked her. "No y/n, it's not time for excuses." Keqing says. You grab her hand and place it on your forehead. "Oh.. sorry honey. Your forehead is hot." Keqing swiftly runs to the kitchen to grab a cold towel to put on your forehead. "Sorry. Hope you feel better." She says as she pats your head, and you slowly drift off.

- is also a workaholic
- lets you rest on her lap while she does work

"Hey Ganyu.. I'm feeling a little dizzy. I'm gonna rest for a little bit." You tell Ganyu, holding your head and supporting yourself with your hand on the wall. "oh y/n, please go rest! I can do your portion of the project for you." Ganyu reassured you. "Lay here." She says, patting her lap. You rest your head on her lap. It's comfortable. 

The peaceful room with Ganyu's pencil sounds makes you drowsy. The warmth Ganyu gives off from her body, paired with her icy vision is a nice feeling, and you fall asleep in her lap.

- plays you songs from his lyre
- sings you songs

"Venti, I don't feel so well. I'm gonna lay on the bed." You tell Venti. You lay down on the bed, the most comfortable you can. Venti sits next to you and brings his lyre out, and starts to play a lullaby. You smile. Him seeing your pretty smile makes him blush a little, and a smile forms on his lips, too.

- gives you herbal tea
- reads you stories
- will do the house chores for you 

"Hm? y/n, you don't look too well, are you alright?" Zhongli asks, worry shown all over his face. "Stay there, I'll make you your favourite tea." He stands up from the armchair. "No Zhongli it's ok-" "No no my y/n, let me take care of you." He says as he brews the tea.

"Here y/n. Your favourite." He passes the teacup to you, making sure it doesn't burn you. "Take your time, just call when you're finished, my dear. I'll be making lunch in the meantime." Zhongli says, sweetly. "Zhongli, I'm not that sick-" "No y/n, please rest." He kisses your forehead, smiling after. 

- at first will disregard it and view it as another weakness of mortals
- actually cares though 
- doesn't really know how to take care of humans but tries his best for you

"Xiao... I can't train anymore." You say, in pain. "You have to keep going." He replies, coldly, walking up to you. You grab onto his arm with a weak grip. "I'm not feeling well.. I think I'm sick." Xiao's face softened. " I'll help you back to Wangshu Inn. I'll hold you tight." You feel his arm wrap around your waist. Soaring through the sky in Xiao's arm helped you calm down.

"Verr Goldet, get some bandages and food for y/n please." Xiao asks her. "I will, let her rest in the meantime." She replied, heading to the chef for food. Xiao brings you up to his favourite spot, bringing a mattress and blanket along with him. He tucks you in, being that you were already soundly asleep. He admired your face, before being caught off guard by Verr Goldet. "Here are the bandages, I'll help her. The food is still hot, let it cool while she's sleeping." Verr Goldet gave Xiao advice, knowing he didn't know much about mortal care. "...Thanks." 

- leaves the tavern in Charles' care just for you
- makes you steak and personally cares for you
- actually checks if you're sick every morning so he'll know 
- he shows more affection when you are sick

You wake up to some steak on your bedside drawer, specifically, Diluc's speciality. Diluc walks into your room, with a mug in hand. "Here, some water." He says, carefully handing you the mug. "Thanks, Diluc." 

"Here." He slices a piece of steak and feeds you it. "Haha, I can feed myself Diluc. Thanks though." You say, with a warming smile. "wait! What about the tavern?" "I left it under Charles' control today. I wanted to take care of you." You blush. It was really sweet of him. 

- romantic
- will act a little distant but deep down does care 
- probably will be sad you won't have the energy to flirt back

"y/n darling~ it's time to wake up!" Kaeya says, waking  you up. "mmm, I don't feel too well today, can I rest?" You reply. " Yeah. Rest well." He says. You could hear the disappointment in his voice. He walks out of the room, gloomy. I hope he isn't mad. 

y/n, y/n~ I made you something." You hear Kaeya, waking you up from your slumber once again. But this time, he was holding a plate. "I made you heart pancakes. With my face on them." You giggle a little bit. It was cute of him. The pancakes were quite delicious. "I asked for Noelle's help. I hope they turned out well." "They're delicious, Kaeya." His face lit up. It was a happy day.


AHHAHA sorry for no update I was busy with school and shit

I will try updating more though !  thank you for your support! 

原 - 𝙜𝙚𝙣𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙣 𝙞𝙢𝙥𝙖𝙘𝙩 𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨 / 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙘𝙖𝙣𝙤𝙣𝙨 - 神Where stories live. Discover now