mini series- vacation 2

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After a few more hours in the plane, we finally landed, I think. I had fallen asleep after the whole ordeal in Aces arms. He told me that I could sleep for the rest of the flight and that he would carry me out into our car or until I woke up.

I woke up about 10 mins ago but I was still half asleep and too lazy to wake up so I pretended to sleep.

"Let's go sweet girl" I hear Ace whisper as he lifts me up from the plane seat, I could hear Sana and Kai screaming about who would get the last juicebox, then a smack which must be Mama and I hear the engines of many cars.

I feel Ace walk down the stairs of the plane and sit inside the car, setting me in first before getting in himself and setting me on his lap, my head on his chest and my legs sprawled on the rest of the seats.

"Capo would you like the blindfold?" the driver asks Ace. Blindfold? For who?

"No, she's sleeping I don't need it" Ace answers back. I remind myself to smack him later for not being nicer to the poor man. Could have at least said thank you.

The rest or the car ride consisted of Ace rubbing my hip in complete silence letting me 'sleep'

But once we got to the hotel my fake sleep was short lived when he woke me up. "Wake up beautiful" he whispered in my ear. "Were here" he says again. I stay quiet hoping he would continue to carry me.

"I know your awake stupid i'm not carrying you anymore" he laughs as he gets out of the car and pulls on my arm. "Mmm" I grown pretending to wake up. "Wake up sleepy head" he yells in my ear making me cringe back into the car seat. "That was supposed to make you wake up not to back to sleep" he scoffs over my shit. "Okay okay i'm awake" I give up and get up from the seat being faced with a beautiful big hotel.

"Wow is this where we're staying" I ask in awe.

"Only the best for my love" he smiles as he kisses my forehead

"How much was this" I ask almost not wanting to know. "The hotel fees I had don't make sense for a hotel like this" I say realizing he probably gave us fake fees.

"Yeah I gave you guys fake stuff to go through while I planned everything. And don't worry about the price I want you to enjoy. You also seem to forget we're billionaires" He says like it's obvious grabbing my waist and holding me close.

"We?" I ask

"Yes we, my money is your money" He says kissing me hard before pulling my waist and leading me into the front doors.

"Now remember people are gonna recognize me so be careful and never leave my side okay baby?" he said cautioning me before entering the hotel.

Ace has always tried to keep my out of the spotlight since he knew I would attacked for 'taking' the hottest man off the market. People must've figured it out by now considering he's always with me but we still try and keep everything on the down low.

"Ace" "Mr.Ace" "Look here" "who's the girl" and many other series of questions are yelled at us as cameras swarm every inch of our surroundings.

"Can you back up please, thank you" Ace yells to everyone as they quickly back up scared of what he might do.

"Mr. Ferrari, thank you for joining us today, your room is prepared here is your key you can head right up" the concierge flirts with him as she hands him the key making sure to grace his hand. While she does so Ace shakes her hand off his and pulls me closer and we walk towards the elevator.

"Holy shit I didn't expect that many people" I sigh as we finally make it into the elevator. "How do they even find us" I ask

"I have no fucking idea" he says clearly exhausted. "I do need you to put this on tho" Ace says handing me a blindfold.
"Oh so were my suspicions correct on the plane" I ask suddenly excited for what's to come.

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