mini series- vacation 3

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I've decided to change Sana age to 3/4 since I felt like 6 was a bit old for her personality and the way she acts. So if you see it say 6 anywhere just knows she's 3/4 :)

"Wake up pretty girl" I hear Ace whisper in my ear as I slowly wake up.

"No" I simply answer squeezing my face into his chest hoping he would leave me alone.

"Wake upppp" he says again.

"Leave me alone" I say before almost falling asleep again before I feel two hands tickling me.

"N-no p-please no s-s-stop I c-c-ca-can't b-breathe." I try to say between breaths as he tickles me relentlessly

"I'll stop when you wake up" He whispers in my ear getting more aggressive with the ticking.

"S-stop pl-please b-baby I-I c-can't breathe" I say loudly trying my hardest to breathe. Ace realizing my struggle he stops ticking me and holds me.

"I'm sorry baby I didn't mean to go that far" he apologizes quickly. "baby?" he asks realizing i'm not answering back. Grabbing my head he pulls it off his chest to look at my face.

Before he can fully lift my head I jump to straddle him and start ticking him myself.

"NO" he screams laughing from my tickling.

"Fuck you bitch" I scream as I continue my tickling before stopping realizing someone is knocking at the door.

"Come in" Ace yells

"Fuckin' hell brother I knew you were kinky but I never knew you were into that mommy pegging shit." Kai laughs.

"What the fuck are you talking about dumbass?" Ace roars out getting pissed from his brothers usual remarks. 

"What the hell do you think we were doing?" I ask him nicely unlike someone.

"Some nasty ass shit that's what" Kai says pulling a disgusted face before snooping around. "What the hell are you looking for" Ace asks fed up with Kai. "Your fucking strap on" he deadpans "oh wait it's on you isn't it" he asks almost pulling back the covers before saying "Oh wait I don't wanna see a dildo up my brothers ass Imma go" he says.

"Fuck off idiot we weren't doing anything she started tickling me" Ace yells before Kai makes it out the door "Why the fuck did you even come here in the first place" Ace yells out as we hear Kai footsteps coming back.

"Mama told me to get you guys for breakfast but seems you had your own plans" Kai laughs at his own joke.

"Shut up we'll be there in 20 mins" I say getting up. "Phew no strap on" Kai says before Ace jumps up from behind me and punches Kai and then simply walks away into the bathroom

"I had that coming" Kai says before getting up and walking away as if nothing happened.


After we made it downstairs, everyone was there eating. Mama and Dad were talking about something, Sana was sitting there alone, the brothers and girlfriends were all talking to each other and then there was Kai with his black eye.

Me and Ace got our food and I made sure to sit beside Sana that she so kindly made name tags that said me and Aces name on them to let us know where we should sit.

"Where were you Aria, I was waiting for you all morning" Sana asks sadly. My heart dropped before hearing Kais voice. "they were busy experiment- ow fuck" Kai interrupts himself as his father hits his arm "Not in front of Sana" dad whispers strongly "Does everyone just love to abuse me, you guys are ruining a beautiful face here" Kai whimpers rubbing his arm.

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