Chapter 11: Marlon's dirty secret

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I was in my room sleeping, then I heard AJ yelling outside.


Y/N: What the hell?

Then me and everyone came outside.

Violet: What the hell is going on?

Marlon: Get this fucking psycho away from me!


Marlon: She's in the basement. She murdered Brody!

Y/N: What?!

Mitch: Is that blood on your face?

Marlon realizes he has blood on his face. Everyone starts talking.

Clementine: Tell them the truth Marlon!

We all look at Clem in shock.

AJ: Clem!

Clementine: You killed Brody. You hit her so hard, her head split open.

Marlon: That's a lie! I saw you kill her! Look at her hands! She's covered in Brody's blood.

She looks at her hands and gasps. We all look at her in shock. She then looks at me.

Clementine: Y/N, please, I didn't do it. I swear I didn't. You have to believe me.

Y/N: Clem.... I.....

Marlon: Of course! You go to the one who saved you!

Aasim: Jesus Christ, Clem.

Tenn: What did you do?

Marlon shoves AJ to the ground and takes his gun.

Marlon: We saved their lives when anyone else would've kept walking! We fed them, we kept them warm! This is how they thank us?! Guns being pulled and murder! Well FUCK THEM.

He points the gun at Clem.

Clementine: You shoot me, and what do you offer up to your raider friends when they come knocking?

Aasim: What the hell is he talking about?

Clementine: He needs us alive.

Marlon: Shut up.

Clementine: Brody told me Marlon was gonna give me and AJ up to the raiders in exchange for safety. The same way he gave up Sophie and Minnie!

Everyone gasps.

Marlon: Shut the fuck up!


Clementine: Brody told me the truth, and that's when Marlon killed her.

Marlon: Aw, come the fuck on! They only met up with these raiders because They insisted they go out there. Quite the coincidence, isn't it. Shame I don't believe in those. Who are you gonna believe? Johnny-come-lately, her boyfriend, and their little fucking lunatic? Or me? Your friend?

Omar: They helped us get food.

Marlon: Useless if they steal the food.

Willy: This is fucked up.

Ruby: We don't know them. I hate to say it.

Marlon looks like he is about to shoot Clem, I quickly get in front of Clem.

Marlon: Y/N.... Please.

Y/N: Just put the gun down. If you do this, we won't be any better then the people who left us here.

Everyone starts getting closer to Marlon.

Marlon: You don't get it.

He starts pointing the gun around.

Marlon: I'm trying to protect you! All of you!

Clementine: How does pointing a loaded gun around protect anyone? Brody's dead. The twins are gone. You suck at protection!

Marlon: Shut your fucking mouth! I made the right call. I saved the lives of everyone in this school! If they came back. I'd do it again!

Ruby: Excuse me?

Aasim: I didn't realize we were so fucking expendable.

Tenn: You told me they died. You gave my sisters away. Why would you do that? I trusted you. THEY trusted you!

I slowly walk to Marlon and take the gun from him. I throw the gun aside.

Marlon: I wanted to save them. But I was too afraid.

Marlon starts to cry.

Tenn: You killed Brody because she knew?

Marlon: I didn't mean too.

Clementine: We can still fix this.

Y/N: I agree.

Louis: We'll help you. We're all family here.

Marlon: I know I betrayed you. Just let me leave. You'll never see me again.

Marlon gets shot in the head. His dead body falls. Rosie starts to bark. We are all standing there, shocked.

AJ: What? I aimed for the head.

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