Chapter 3: Meeting the girl and the boy

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I walked into the piano room. I see Louis and Ruby. Louis was playing the piano while Ruby was working on the kid.

Y/N: How is he?

Ruby: He'll be fine.

Louis: Ah. Y/N, nice to see you.

Y/N: Nice seeing you too, Louis.

Ruby: The girl should be fine as well, even though she took most of the damage.

Y/N: I checked on her. She's fine.

Louis: Oh she is? Hmm?

Y/N: Yes. I-I- mean- wait!

Louis then starts laughing.

Louis: You liking the girl?

Y/N: What?! N-No! You know what I meant.

Louis: Just kidding buddy.

Y/N: Not funny. I didn't laugh.

Then the boy slowly woke up.

Boy: Huh?

We all look at him. He quickly gets up and starts yelling.


Louis: Whoa! Whoa!

Ruby: Holy-


Y/N: Clementine?


Y/N: Calm down. She's fine. Take a deep breath.

To my surprise, he actually listened and calmed down.

Y/N: We're not gonna hurt you. I saved you and.....Clementine from the car.

Boy: Oh.

Y/N: What's your name?

Boy: A-AJ.

Y/N: Well, nice to meet you AJ. I'm Y/N.

Louis: Maybe some music will make him relaxed. Get your guitar.

I get my guitar as I play it and Louis plays the piano. AJ watches and listens.

Ruby: Wow it's working.

Ruby walked over and tried to put her hand on AJ's shoulder. But then he bites her hand.

Ruby: Gah! You little motherfucker!

Ruby walks out. Louis holds in his laugh.

AJ: I didn't mean to do that!

Y/N: It's fine, you can say sorry later.

Louis continued to play the piano. I stopped playing the guitar. We then see Clementine walking in the room.

AJ: Clem!

AJ ran towards her and they hugged. Clem starts checking him.

Clementine: Are you hurt AJ?

AJ: I'm fine, no bites. I thought you were...

Clementine: I'm fine. Do you want to know what you are?

AJ: What?

Clementine: Ticklish!

She starts tickling him as he laughs. I can't help but smile at the adorable sight.

Clementine: That woman said you bit her, is that true?

AJ: I... I didn't mean to... she snuck up on me.

Clementine: These people helped us. No more bites.

AJ: No more bites.

Louis: You are not dead, that's good. Name's Louis. That over there is Y/N. We watched your kid for you.

AJ: My name is AJ.

Y/N: We watched AJ for you.

Clementine: Thanks.

Louis: No problem. Well, not *no* problem, he was a handful. But We got off light compared to Ruby.

Clementine: He doesn't like it when people sneak up behind him.

AJ: Don't ever do it.

Louis: Loud and clear, little man. Luckily Me and Y/N was able to calm him down with our alluring music.

He goes back to playing the piano.

AJ: Clem, Y/N here was the one who saved us!

Clem looks at me.

Clementine: You were the one that got us out of there?

Y/N: Sure did, I made the call. But it was a team effort. Marlon helped AJ while I helped you.

Clementine: Well, thank you. We would be dead if it wasn't for you.

Clem then smiles at me.

Y/N: No problem. Oh, yeah! Marlon left your things in here.

They walked to their bag. Clem got out her hat. Clem gives AJ a gun.

Louis: Um.

AJ cycles the chamber of the gun.

Louis: Double um. Uh, does he know what that is? It's bigger then him!

Clementine: He earned my trust with it.

Louis: But he's a tot!

Clementine: One who can shoot.

Y/N: It's fine Louis. If he has the gun, and Clem here trusts him with it, of course he would know how to use it.

I look over at the two. I notice Clem was smiling at me again.

Louis: You guys do your thing, I guess.

He plays the same song.

Clementine: You know any others?

Louis: I do, but your armed.

He then starts to play and sing "Oh My Darling Clementine".

Clementine: Stop. Stop!

Louis stops playing.

AJ: Y/N is really good at it.

Clementine: The piano?

Louis: He got a guitar.

I take it back out.

Clementine: Let me hear you. If you want too.

Y/N: Alright.

I then start playing my version of "Oh My Darling Clementine" on my guitar. Instead of getting the same reaction that Louis got, Clem actually looked amazed and impressed. She walked closer towards me while smiling, she just stayed there and listened to me sing. Even AJ and Louis liked it. I finish my song.

AJ: Whoa!

Clementine: That was really beautiful. You are really good.

I blush.

Y/N: T-Thank you.

Louis: Even the new kids like your talent better. But still, that was better then expected.

Marlon: Rosie!

Marlon runs in.

Marlon: Have you guys seen Rosie?

Louis: Nope.

Y/N: No.

Marlon: Shit. We got a situation out there.

He looks at Clem.

Marlon: I hate to ask with you coming to and all, but could you give us a hand?

She nods at him.

Marlon: Alright. You too, Y/N and Louis. Get your ass in gear.

Y/N: On it.

Louis: Ugh. Fine.

We all run out of the room.

Troubled Youth (Clementine X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now