Chapter 8

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"Dr. Shepherd" She muttered resignedly. She knew this was coming, her luck was too good to last.

"Dr. Shepherd? Yesterday it was Derek." He said, with twinkling eyes. His stupid twinkling eyes which mader want to jump him right there and then.

"We should just forget it happened." Said Meredith, feeling more and more uncomfortable, and losing resolve by the minute.

"I was drunk, vulnerable and good looking and you took advantage and now you want to forget about it?" Derek continued, unabashedly teasing her. She managed to make even her scrubs looks so beautiful, he was completely enchanted.

"Okay I was the one who was drunk and you're not that good looking" She replied, trying her hardest to ignore his obvious flirting.

"Maybe not today. Last night, I was really good-looking. Had my red shirt on. You took advantage." He continued.

"I did not take advantage" Insisted Meredith. What was with this guy? He should take a hint.

"Want to take advantage again? Friday night?" Questioned Derek, hoping for a date.

"No." She replied firmly. "This can't exist, we work together!" That right, they were coworkers. It would make everything messier.

He shot her another winning smile. "Oh come on. One dinner." He persisted. He found her fascinating, he absolutely needed to get to know her better.

Having finally managed to edge past him to the door, she walked out and sent another "No" behind her as she left him staring after her with a smile on his face. He wasn't deterred, he'd get her to go out with him.


Addison was sitting on the couch when he entered the attendings lounge. She looked up as he entered and asked.

"So? How'd it go?" She asked immediately.

Derek feigned ignorance "what're you talking about." He said as he busied himself making coffee.

"Don't play dumb, Derek. I saw the way you looked at her. You look like a love struck idiot." She said staring at him.

He gave in and turned to her. "She said no" he said with a small smile.

"Why do you look so happy then?" Addison asked confused.

"Oh because she's going to say yes, trust me." He said with a cocky attitude.

"What has that woman done to you. Derek Shepherd is absolutely smitten." She laughed.

Mark, having uncannily entered at just the right moment again, heard the last sentence. "Oh, who has got Derek to give up his chastity belt?"

"No one" said Derek hurriedly at the same time as Addison, who said "Meredith Grey".

"You have a thing for the kid?" Mark turned in surprise to Derek.

"No. Well yes. I asked her out." Said Derek.

Mark burst out laughing. "Meredith Grey, dating you." He wheezed. "The kid doesn't date, you'd be luckier if you meet her at a bar."

When Derek suddenly refused to meet his eyes, he suddenly shut up. "Wait, why do you look like that."

Addison chimed in "that's because he already met her in a bar." Then she added "and was kicked out the next day."

Mark burst out laughing again. "You, Derek Shepherd, had a one night stand? And you thought your boss was the person to go with?"

"No. I didn't know she was my boss when we met and I don't want it to be a one night stand." He said defensively.

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