Chapter 12

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"I'm not being completely unreasonable am I?" Meredith grumbled to Stella, as she sat munching mutinously on a piece of toast, still rumpled from bed.

Stella, who had just entered the kitchen, glanced at Meredith, dressed in nothing but an oversized t-shirt and shorts. She had heard Derek leave only minutes ago, and could only assume it had something to do with him. She was in a good mood this morning, she would humor her.

"I know when it comes to you, Alex is psychic or something, but I'm going to need more than that to go on." She remarked, humming a little under a breath.

Meredith abandoned her toast, instead taking a large gulp of coffee. "Derek! I don't know anything about him!" she exclaimed.

"What do you mean?" Stella asked, still smiling a little.

"Don't you think it's weird he stays here every night. Every single night. I've never been to his place or anything. He could be an axe murderer or something." She said. "And why are you all happy today."

Stella thought back to last night, and for a moment felt a flash of guilt. "N-nothing." She stuttered a little, before adding. "I just had insanely good sex last night." to evade the suspicion her initial answer had elicited from Meredith.

"Good for you." Meredith said, only a little ungraciously. "I wondered where you were last night. I just hope your one night stand doesn't turn out to be your coworker, who refuses to leave you alone and tells you nothing and ugh!" She groaned. "What happened to me? When did I become this girl." She laid her head on the table, not noticing how Stella's face paled just a little.

"Ok what is up with you?" Stella finally seriously looked at her friend, who was uncharacteristically grumpy. "Is this all about Derek?"

"No." Meredith conceded. "I don't know what I'm doing. With Derek, with the hospital, with life in general. And mom is as bitchy as ever."

Stella grabbed her shoulder, and Meredith turned to face her. "Meredith Grey is having her very own pity party." She laughed. "And what is with this nonsense about not knowing what you're doing?"

"I don't know if I should have taken the chief job. I barely see the OR, and I've had no time at all for research. I feel like a playground monitor." She groaned.

"I know I don't share your love for seeing people's squishy insides, but from what I gather, you still do a normal amount of cutting. You just aren't married to your work anymore." She said knowingly.

"I am not married to my work!" Meredith replied indignantly

"That's what i said." stella answered smugly. "You aren't anymore and you're having withdrawal symptoms. Besides, you are having trouble admitting you're totally falling for Derek Shepherd. And don't start with running a hospital again Mer. Try dealing with idiotic masochistic associates like me."

Meredith tried to protest weakly, before thinking better of it. She filed the Derek thing away for later and chose to go the easier route. "Richardson still giving you trouble?"

"That man does not take no for an answer." Stella groaned. "I want to just sleep with him once so he'll get off my back."

"What a great idea." said Meredith sarcastically. "I have to go get ready and visit mommy dearest."

"Ooh, fun." Stella winced slightly.

"And then I have to go to Mercy West because their Chief of Surgery seems to think calling me for a consult will make me leave Grace or some bullshit. Which is why I actually have to dress up again, can't exactly show up in scrubs now." She said getting up. "And I cannot deal with Derek Shepherd and his secretive ass." She called back as she left the room.

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