The Unexpected(9)

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Linda and Xavier stared at one another confused. They had only been gone for three days and they missed so much. Samuel left the house, when I came back from the park that night he had left. He took everything with him.

            He wasn’t answering my calls but Linda talked to him. She said he went to live with a friend of his. He said he just needed to be alone for sometime, he said he would come back when he was on the right track again.

            But we both knew that was a lie, he didn’t want to be close to me. I wish he could understand at this point I didn’t want to hurt anyone. I wanted Jaydon and Samuel to be both happy.

            “Do you seriously think you’re ready to get married?” Xavier asked me, pacing back and forth in the living room.

            “I just want to be happy and Jaydon makes me happy.” I responded truthfully.

            Xavier glanced at me and sighed. “I think you’re only doing this because Alejandro is getting married,” he spoke out quietly.

            I shook my head in disagreement. “Everyone’s happy and now it’s my turn.” I stood up and took in a deep breath. “Just be happy for me,” I pleaded.

            Xavier glanced over at Linda who seemed like she didn’t know what side she wanted to be on. She knew all along that Samuel loved me, and she never told me. I never saw it because I was too blind. And now I had hurt someone she cared about a lot.

            I knew what all of this meant, what her look meant. They weren’t throwing me out of their home, nor were they disagreeing with my decisions, but they just didn’t know what side they stood at.

            When it’s time to grow up, life makes you make decisions that can hurt people around you, but you always had to remember you come before anyone else. At the end of the day all you ever had will be yourself and no one else. Growing up meant breaking a few hearts but I would be happy, even if the person I am going to live forever isn’t the person I expected to be.

            I went up to my room and took out my luggage and began packing my clothes.  The little aching pain in my chest grew a little bit stronger, and the more I ignored it, the stronger the pain got.

            I never thought taking a stand for myself would make so many people upset with me. Honestly, I thought everyone would be happy for me. Maybe I was being crazy and just taking my relationship with Jaydon to fast, but I wanted this.

            Closing my last suitcase, I sat on the bed.  The door open and Linda walked in; she looked at all my luggage then at me. She sat next to me sitting there with me quietly.

            “Juliana,” She spoke out.

            “I’m sorry,” I whispered keeping my eyes glued to the wooden floor.

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