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Once I reached my condo, I slammed the door shut and leaned up against it. Sliding down the door I just stared into the darkness of the house. The whole subway ride back I had tried my best to remember what happened. But like all the other times, I couldn't remember anything.

It wasn't until I was calm that I had actually realized I was sore again and had marks on my arms and some bruising as well. Getting up, I walked over to her full length mirror and looked over my body seeing all the markings and bruising and cuts and gashes. Some of my wounds were already stitched up. I traced my fingers over them and swallowed hard really wishing I could remember what had happened the night before. I only wondered how chaotic work was going to be with one of our best models missing.

And it quite possibly being my fault.

That evening I walked into the studio, police all over the place. I looked around, walking slowly, trying to look as surprised and distraught as I could so I didn't direct any attention to myself.

"What is going on?" I asked Natasha who was sitting down in a chair crying.

"Claudia is dead!" Natasha cried out. "The police and detectives are questioning everyone!" Natasha sniffled looking up at me with her big blue eyes that were red and blotchy. I looked at her shocked, as if it was brand new information.

"Sh-She can't be dead, she was just at the bar with us last night." I spoke softly as tears came to my eyes officially. "Wh-What happened?" I asked Natasha who had started crying once more.

"That's what we're trying to find out." I heard a voice from behind me. Slowly I turned around and seen Jake, who was looking down at me with an arched eyebrow and big dark brown eyes. "Jake?" I said his name in a hushed tone. He gave me a small smile and nodded.

"Technically Detective Mathis, but I'll let it slide." He grinned ear to ear. "I had hoped to see you again, but not on this kind of terms." He sighed his hands in his pockets.

"Y-you were?" I said as I wiped the tears on my cheek with the back of my hand and looked back up at him as he nodded. "Sorry, I didn't get a chance to ask you out sometime." He winked and then cleared his throat.

"Now, on a serious note, when was the last time you seen her?" He said pulling out a special K bar and opening it, taking a bite. I swallowed hard but answered honest again. "Last night, after the fashion show, we went to the bar and had some drinks, which you already knew." Jake nodded

"After that?" He asked next finishing his bar in a few more bites. I couldn't tell him I blacked out or else he would want some further questions so naturally I took a deep breath and I lied. "She went her separate way with some guy. Mentioned something about a hotel after party. I told her she better not be late to today's fitting." I teared up and wiped my eyes once more knowing that was true, it was an ongoing joke since she was always late.

"I wish I hadn't said that now, n-now that she is d-d-" I cried out covering my face feeling guilt in the pit of my stomach. Jake grabbed my shoulder comfortingly. "It's going to be fine, we're going to catch the killer, I promise." He smiled down at me, that adorably, handsome smile that made my heart skip a beat. I didn't know whether to be comforted by that statement, or worried.

"Thank you." I sniffled as he handed me a tissue. I quickly took the tissue and wiped my eyes and nose then gave him a glimpse of a small smile.

Jake asked me a few more follow up questions: Did she seem distraught, was she under a lot of pressure, were there any ex boyfriends that she was afraid of. It was those kinds of questions. To be honest I really didn't know, I just continued to shake my head as I crossed my arms holding myself as comfort.

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