Chapter 3

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Once Saviour was out of the infirmary Alpha was a lot happier. He knew that his friend wouldn't remember anything that happened before he woke up, they all seemed to have that problem, first it was Huntress she hit her head really hard and couldn't remember anything before that, then Star she got bitten by some strange animal and couldn't remember anything before that, then he, Charm and Forge all went down with a disease that targets memories and finally Saviour passed out after getting back from that solo mission.
Alpha could already see his friend's old personality coming back, he could tell that they would soon be back to pranking the three girls.
Alpha sometimes felt like there was something he should know about these people, but whenever that thought came to the front of his mind he shook it away. He knew these people, he had for all his life, they had grown up here together. Even if none of them remembered their childhoods. They all knew that they had joined up together, climbed through the ranks and eventually risen to the top, where their parents had been before they died. Chaos had gladly accepted them into the positions that he had never filled. They were like a little family, the Elite division. Of corse that would all have to be explained to Saviour before he fit back in to his old life. But Alpha was cool with it, he still remembered how patient and calm Saviour had been when Alpha lost his memory, the least he could do was be the same way now.
Saviour picked up a stapler.
"What does this do?" Saviour asked. Alpha laughed.
"Dude, that's a stapler, it like staples stuff," Alpha told him.
"Wow thanks, so useful," Saviour said in his old sarcastic tone. Alpha heard the intercom buzz.
"Would the elite please come to the throne room please and thankyou," the normal calm woman's voice said.
"C'mon bro, I'll show you the way," Alpha lead his friend through the winding streets of Saga until they came to the palace of Chaos, Alpha pushed open the black gates. They walked through the courtyard. Forge popped up behind them.
"So, killed anyone yet?" Forge asked Saviour.
"No," Saviour grumbled. Forge ruffled Saviour's black hair.
"I'm messing with you dude!" Forge laughed and fell into step next to the two. "So what d'ya think Chaos wants?"
"Probably he lost his toenail clippers or something," Alpha rolled his eyes,"he gets us to do everything!"
Finally they reached the throne room, the girls were already there, sitting on the steps.
"He said he'll call us in when he wants us," Hutress said. The three boys sat down as well, the girls launched into a story about how a cat had eaten Charm's make up.

"My lord, the gods are getting suspicious, they'll start asking questions soon," the messenger said, "don't worry, we won't need anyone elts, these six will do nicely for our elite and the rest I took well they can stay where they are," The man said cooly.
"Yes my lord," the messenger hurried from the room, passing the six teenagers as he left.

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