Chapter 25

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Zöe was in the Athena cabin reading when Forge found her. He knocked on the door lightly and asked for a word with her. The two went outside.
"Star I have to talk to you," Forge was looking down at his feet, "lately you've been a bit different, I was just wondering if you maybe remembered anything." Zöe stared at him blankly. Was she hearing him right? Did he know who she was? "It's just I've been remembering."
Zöe stared at him the boy she had known for so long. Who was he really?
The silence settled around them for a few minutes. Then Zöe grabbed his arm and marched him off towards the woods. When they arrived in the cover of the trees and Zöe was happy that no one would find them she stopped.
"So have you?" Forge looked at her.
She nodded slowly, "I have."
"Who are you?" He said eagerly.
She pulled her hood back, "Zöe Nightshade, daughter of Atlas. Who are you?"
He looked her up and down and seemed to make a snap decision. He pulled his hood back, "Charles Beckendorf, son of Hephaestus." And then a body fell from the trees above.

Saviour sat on the beach looking out over the horizon. Remembering her, her lips. Her kisses. Her blonde curles. And his last words to her. 'Get out of here!' He still couldn't grasp her name. He just knew that she existed and that she was close. He would never be able to forget her. The memory was too strong. All they'd been through. All their hopes, all their dreams. That would never be worth forgetting.
Saviour dipped a toe in the water. It was cold. Almost instantly Poseidon appeared with an excited expression on his face. He looked around. But the excited expression dropped from the God's face as soon as he saw that Saviour was the only one there.
"I'm sorry Saviour, I thought I felt my son's presence here," Poseidon seemed to age 10 years as he spoke.
"You must've been close to him," Saviour looked at the God Of The Sea.
"Yes I was," Poseidon admitted.
"I know how it feels to loose someone my lord," Saviour stood, "I can't blame you for wanting to find him."
The God of the sea smiled for the first time since his son had disappeared and evaporated into mist.

Charm watched as Forge and Star went to the woods. She saw Star's hand on Forge's arm. She would've followed but she knew what was happening. She rushed to the first place she could think of. The Zeus cabin. But all she would find there was Alpha having a mental breakdown. He sat on his bed muttering to himself. About memories and Luke Castallan. Charm sat down next to him and he looked up.
"Hey Charm," he looked up,"what's the matter?"
It was then that Charm broke down crying,"I just don't understand."
"What happened?" Alpha asked. Then she explained everything. After she was finished Alpha put an arm around her, "Charm Forge is like my brother. He loves you. whatever's going on at the moment. I'm sure there's some explanation for it."
"Nothing is ever going to be the same again is it." She sobbed into Alpha's shoulder.
"Never," he admitted.

It was only later that night when the two were alone in the Zeus cabin that their memories came back. The memories of Luke Castallan and Silena Beaurgard.

Bianca had done nothing but train and hope. There was nothing else she could do really. She was trapped in a room with a lot of ADHD demigods. She didn't know where she was. She didn't know what time it was. She didn't know where they were, let alone if they were on earth. The hunters had given her a bow and tent. They had given her food. They had been good to her. But she needed to get out, get to her friends. Even if she didn't know who they were really. She was starting to have her suspicions. Some of the people here had told her. Although she was the first to die in the war with the Titans she wasn't the last. The latest to die (a son of Apollo who died about 3 years ago) had told her all of the ones who were missing. There had been six of them. But now she was here there were five. Zöe Nightshade, Charles Beckendorf, Silena Beaurgard, Luke Castallan and Perseus Jackson. She thought that she might be able to guess who the others were. It couldn't possibly be that hard. Zöe always did love the stars. So Bianca was guessing that Zöe was Star and Charm would be Silena, a daughter of Aphrodite, Forge would be Beckendorf, But Alpha and Saviour were so similar either of them could be Percy or Luke.
She sat in her tent thinking about what she'd tell them if she ever saw them again. What she would say to her brother and half-sister. She thought through every moment that she had spent in her life. Throwing it away. She regretted everything now. Not staying with Nico. Joining the hunters. She even regretted dieing. Which she knew was needed. And she knew she saved lives by doing that. But she wished she had said better words to her little brother. She wished that Grover had never found them.

Annabeth was having one of those days. She was sitting in a tree in the forest thinking about him when she heard them. Two people walking through the forest. They stopped just under the tree that she was sitting in.
"So have you?" The voice of Forge sounded through the woods.
"I have," Star said.
"Who are you?" Forge asked.
There was a rustling, almost like a hood being pulled back, "Zöe Nightshade, daughter of Atlas. Who are you?"
More rustling, "Charles Beckendorf, son of Hephaestus."
Annabeth lost her grip on the tree trunk. And fell. Down, down.

1008 words. Enough?
:-D hope you liked it p, give me feedback. I love comments, and votes (hint, hint)
See you in the next chapter!

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