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"Do you really think its her? You might have mistaken." A woman with long blonde hair said while fidgeting a cigarette on her hand.

"Why would I even bother to follow her if its not her. I wouldn't waste my time on that." The young looking man argued while leaning on the door frame, rolling his eyes. "I am doing my duty to serve Rex Lapis and I will do what is expected of me."

"Whatever you say then, Adeptus Xiao."

Just as the two were almost pointing knives at each other necks.

Their most beloved Rex Lapis, Zhongli, came down from the stairs, alongside with Childe. His presence making them in their most organized manner.

Xiao cleared his throat and started to speak. "It was her right?"

"She finally admitted it. But she is really starting to get into my nerves. That attitude she has...it's unbearable." Zhongli explained, visible displeasure displayed on his face. Massaging his temples and sitting on the couch.

"Then she is an interesting woman. Do you want me to talk to her?" The blonde hair woman suggested. She was Ningguang, the underboss of the mafia. Zhongli's most trusted friend and ally.

"No it's not needed anymore. I'll make sure to make her position known."

"So what's your plan now? Now that you got the girl. Does she have the necklace with her?" Xiao asked. He was one of the Caporegimes of the mafia. Known for his agility and speed. That within a flash the target will fell down on the floor as a dead corpse.

"My plan will be explained once all of the Tellus members are here."

"Beidou has matters to attend to so she can't be joining with us today. I'll just explain the plan to her on her behalf." Ningguang explained while puffing out smoke into the air.

"Very well then. Where is Keqing?" Zhongli asked while crossing his legs and intertwining his fingers.

Just as that name was mentioned. The door fell and a resounding thud on the floor was heard. Making everyone in the room turn their heads towards it.

"Snakes seem to get everywhere. Don't they?"

"Keqing what are you doing?" Zhongli asked as he was about to approach the lady who was stepping on someone. The man's eyes were pleading for his freedom. 

"This little snake here, works for the diamond-eyed devils. A spy."

Xiao's spear emerged from thin air and immediately pointed it to the man's face. "I guess I have to silence you forever. Go back to hell now." Xiao's eyes were shooting daggers to this man. His hands itching to kill, especially that he knew his dear Morax might be dangered.

A traitor found amidst their allies. Seems like nobody can be trusted easily in these times.

"What's your name? Or whatever they may call you." Zhongli asked, approaching the man.


"Very well Bei'er, we will set you free." Zhongli crouched and made eye contact with the man. Bei'er's eye lit up by the words of freedom that left Zhongli's mouth. The people in the room were astounded with his words but remained silent.

"If and only if... You'll spill the Diamond's knowledge and secrets."

Bei'er let out a mocking chuckle and spat on Zhongli's face.

Xiao no longer controlled his overflowing anger. He grabbed the man by his neck and threw the man across the room. Landing harshly on the wall.

"How dare you insult Morax like that?! Who do you think you are mortal!"

"Xiao, en–"

"He is no far superior than anyone. Just being in here makes me sick." Blood began cornering his mouth. Eyeing Xiao with such insult.

"Listen here you, uncultured swine–"
Xiao inched more towards the bruised man. Grabbing him again by his neck and almost choking him.

"Xiao, I said enough!" Zhongli's voice echoed inside the room. Resulting to a deadening silence.

Zhongli got a napkin and wiped his face.

"Childe, call the other associates to assist this spy to the Avernus." Zhongli ordered and his face was filled with disgust.

Childe immediately followed what he was ordered to do. Returning the room with two men, built like solid rock.

The two men grabbed Bei'er by the shoulder and he gave a final evil look to Zhongli.

Zhongli did the same, folded his arms and stated in a threatening manner. "Have a taste of hell, there in the Avernus."

The men escorted Bei'er outside and left the group in a complete tensed up silence.

Zhongli sat on his chair, fixing his hair and sliding off his gloves. Resting his forehead on his palm. Releasing an exhausted sigh.

Ningguang went beside him and nudged him with a square metal looking case. Revealing fancy cigarettes arranged in a vertical manner.

"Go on take one. I only offer this cigarettes for this kind of times." She stated with a comforting smile on her face.

Zhongli pressed the end of the cigarette on his lips. Ningguang took out a lighter and lighted the cigarette on his mouth.

A relaxed groan escaped Zhongli's mouth as the smoke exited his nostrils. Leaning his back more on the chair, feeling warmth and comfort for a short time.

"I guess this is the only comfort I get."
He thought to himself, partially closing his eyes.

"So what's the plan now boss? I'm here." Keqing stated as she sat on the chair opposite to Zhongli's.

"Sorry for the trouble I've caused but it has to be done sooner."

"You've done the right thing, Keqing. No need to be sorry about." Zhongli replied meeting her gaze.

Everyone sat on their respective places and waited for Zhongli's next move.

Childe rested his foot on the table and his arms were at the back of his head. Then he started to say. "Come on now, we can't wait too long for your plan. So we can now act upon it and I can beat that eye patch blue head."

"I need that necklace." Zhongli started, "We need to investigate furthermore and by attacking the abyss, that the Diamonds created we can possibly weaken their defense. And lower their chances to finding the necklace."

Everyone nodded their heads in agreement.

"Aha! I got it. Perhaps we can..." Ningguang suggested, the whole team agreeing to her suggestion.

"But we need Y/N's full cooperation in this."


Yea sooo... I just wanna share my drawing of peepaw😌


I'm pretty proud of it ngl HAHAHAHA

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I'm pretty proud of it ngl HAHAHAHA

Anyways thanks for being patient with me with my slooww updates and thanks for readinngg.

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