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The dark clouds painted the vast horizon, silver glittery dusts occupied the blank canvas of endless skies. The wind was cold, brushing against your arms, the soft rustling of the leaves added to the relaxing momentum.

It was already late at night, yet your eyes won't coordinate with your head, you know you wanted to sleep the stress away yet here you are wide awake. You folded your knees up to your chest and hugged it close, you badly missed your home. Consider it homesickness, but there's little to no chance you're able to go back there yet.

Especially now, after the big news has dropped, heck you're even running away from your own timeline and into the past, not that you wanted to but you were forced to do so.

Not only did you missed your home but also your friends, your family, the only family you have, your younger brother. Even working in the café or the bar, it was strange that thinking about it made you somehow feel comfort.

All this for her.

"Fuck, I hate this." You muttered under your breath and inhaled deeply, closing your eyes in frustration.

"That calls for a drink, doesn't it?" You almost jumped from your seat when you heard a voice from behind. The tall tanned man was holding a wine bottle on his hand and two glasses on his other. He wore this signature smile of his.

You weren't even allowed to be outside. But you somehow managed to go out to get some fresh air, even if you wanted to escape this predicament, it was useless, dangerous and a dumb act. They'll catch you easily. Plus, you're in the middle of nowhere, away from the bustling city, surrounded by bodies of water.

"Come on, no one knows you're outside. It's just me and you."

"Welp, oh no. That made me uncomfortable, I'm heading back in." You sarcastically scoffed and started to walk back to the door.

Kaeya pouted and placed his items on a circular table. Carefully pouring wine to one of his glasses, the sound of the soft tinkling liquid against the thin glass blended perfectly to the sound of soughing waves.

"You know, this is a perfect time to continue our chat. Remember the time where I helped you escape from Zhongli?" Kaeya filled another glass and lifted his gaze to look at your figure, your back facing him. "Let's play a short game, care to partake?"

His footsteps drew closer, you turned your heel and you saw Kaeya's eye gleam as the moonlight gazed down upon him. To be honest, he was much more handsome up close. But you can't be fazed by physical attributes, again.

"Fine, what game are we playing?" You finally responded, giving out a long sigh.

This made Kaeya smile from ear to ear, he grabbed your hand and transferred the other glass to your touch.

"Follow me." He proceeded to walk further away from where you were so-called imprisoned. Kaeya sauntered towards the azure ocean and sat on the sand. "Come on, Y/N! Sit here."

You followed his path and gently let your body fall against the sand, despite the cold air, the grainy soil was warm to the touch.

"I'll ask you 20 questions, then you can also ask me the same after or we can also take turns. Got it?" Kaeya started to say, the scarlet liquid tickled his throat and he released a satisfied sigh.

"Isn't that a lot?" You rose a brow and enveloped the glass in between your hands.

"You really don't know that game?" Kaeya chuckled, the wind softly caressed Kaeya's ocean-colored strands. He turned to your side to face you, placing his hands on his lap. "It's just a simple game where we ask each other questions. Like, you know, to get to know each other better."

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