The Wedding

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ah yes. Wedding day.

                                                                  =v= what am I doing with my life-

It was a very chaotic Friday the thirteenth. Preparations for the wedding were finished, and everybody was very excited. Peppa and Hisoka's wedding was located in a place called the Karasuno gym from Haikyuu!. The volleyball team was very confused as of why there was a wedding taking place in their gym. Eventually they got over the confusion and Daichi made all of them dress in very tight tuxedos. 

All of the guests started settling in their seats, chatting about how ugly the bride and groom's children will look. Dora was there, and she brought the alcohol. Diego had the camera ready. "SaY CLIcK TaKe a pIc!" The camera sang. "Whatever you say honey." Diego responded. In case you didn't know, Diego is in a very serious relationship with his camera. Never spend the night at Diego's house. Finally, the music started playing which meant the groom was now going to get into position. Of course, because this is Peppa's wedding, WAP replaced the traditional wedding music.

Hisoka was wearing a maid dress. He looked very amazing. He trotted down the aisle and took his place next to Caillou, the minister. It was finally time for the bride to make her appearance. As WAP continued to play, Peppa flung the doors open and slowly walked at a snails pace down the aisle. She was wearing her hair a tight bun. She had a Tie-dye shirt on, with vans. She also held a Hydro flask. After 5 hours of waiting, Peppa finally got in her place.

It was time for Caillou to unite them in marriage. He trained for this moment exactly 3 minutes before the wedding started. He had plenty of experience. "We are gathered here today because if we didn't attend we would all have Bungee Gum shoved down our throats." Caillou started. Hisoka smiled innocently. Caillou basically started talking about why Loki is so attractive and stuff like that. Finally he got to the juicy stuff. "Do you, Hisoka Morow, take Peppa Renesmee Pig, as your wife?" He asked. "OhHhH~" Hisoka moaned. "I do~" "And do you, Peppa Renesmee Pig, take Hisoka Morow as your husband?" Caillou asked. "Yes." Peppa whispered. "You may now kiss the bride." And they did just that. Everyone cheered very loudly.

In celebration, everybody danced to Hisoka's theme. It was a very enjoyable day, and Dora got everyone drunk. 


                                                            Im about to call the mental hospital on myself lol

also thank you to the people that are actually reading this im flattered lmao

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