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Peppa and the gang started to go towards Hisoka's house. On the way there, they saw two people- A man with white hair and a girl with short pink hair. They were making out. "Oh hell no." Peppa stated, and hit the man with a stick. "GaSpPpP" Said the trashy pink haired girl. "YOu KilLEd mY SenSei!" The girl turned into a bed because magic. "SASUKE KUN!" The girl screamed randomly. They slowly walked away.

They continued on their journey to rescue George. Black Guy decided they should sing songs along the way. They sang WAP very loudly and off key. That was when the very sexy clown man himself appeared out of the woods. "OhHhHh~" He moaned, (because before he says anything he has to moan.) "I found you piggy~" "GaSp oh no!" Peppa screamed. 

Black guy stepped in front of Peppa. "And who are you~?" Hisoka asked. "I am the Legendary cheek clapping rap shinobi." Said Black Guy. "I will clap your cheeks." "Black Lee dont play H O E." Said Black Lee. "Is that the only thing he says?" Peppa asked. "Pretty much." Macrithany responded. "OhHhHh~" Moaned Hisoka. "That turns me on~" And with that Hisoka ran at Peppa. Black Guy pushed Peppa out of the way and Hisoka slammed into him. (that sounds horribly wrong lmao) Black Guy got knocked out.

"RUN!" Macrithany screeched. But it was too late. Hisoka grabbed them and shoved the guys in a bag. "I shall make child juice out of them." Hisoka told Peppa. Peppa cowered in the corner. "Are you gonna shove me in the bag too?" She asked. "No~" Hisoka moaned. "Why?" Peppa asked. "We are going to get married sksksksks~~~" Peppa committed an anime blush. Magically anime schoolgirl clothes appeared on her. "H-Hisoka senpai." She stuttered. "OhHhHhH~" Hisoka moaned. "gEt vEcToReD oHhHh~"

"Follow me~" Hisoka told Peppa. Peppa and Hisoka headed back to his house. They were going to get married. They made some calls and Caillou ended up being the minister. The date of their marriage was Friday the 13th. They were so excited.


the wedding will be next chapter lol

also thank you to the 2 followers I have its greatly appreciated lmao

I cant believe its not mud - a Peppa Pig x Hisoka fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now