A normal day

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 The Lady from before revealed herself to be named Gertrude. 

''Then call me Y/N, Gertrude!'' You yell out, hoping she could hear you...She probably could she wasn't advancing that much.  You're still a little bit surprised that the lady from before isn't actually as rude as you thought her to be. I mean, this could be the start of a friendship! You sonic speed type run over to the doors of the Fast food place, towards where Gertrude had exited from. You didn't see her.

Welp! Who needs friends anyway, am I right? 8')

You are walking down the street, reading the application form. You were just about to see the name of your hopefully-soon-to-be boss, when all of a sudden you encounter a puppy jumping to your feet.

Scrunched up face


slightly overweight

Oval shaped ears

Black doll-like eyes

Mostly black except for the chest, paw, and end-of the-tail area was a white with a silver shine to their fur 


all in all incredibly adorable

You get down to the little creatures level and bring out a completely normal voice to speak in mostly any occasion..

''Hi! Hewo, you wittle cutie!!'' you softly caress the puppy who was violently shaking their tiny fur-filled tail. You continue playing with the puppy not caring about the people passing by. You start to wonder where the owner of such a delightful little critter could be. If almost on cue, you hear a pleasant, husky, male voice call out to you, you could almost hear  his smirk.

 If almost on cue, you hear a pleasant, husky, male voice call out to you, you could almost hear  his smirk

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''Hehe..how cute~'' 

You look up to see a tall man, approximately 6'8,  wearing a black suit with a light blue dress shirt, royal blue tie with small light-colored polka dots. The most noticeable thing about him wasn't his outfit, but his humongous, white, circular with painted expressions, head. You looked at it for only a few milliseconds more as you were wondering if what he was wearing was a mask or he was just built different..........wAiT-     the man in front of you just called you cute! You stare back at him with a mixture of flusterness and pure confusion as you get up from the dirty sidewalk. You held the puppy close against your chest which the puppy seemed to find quite pleasant.

''Is this your dog, sir?'' you ask the figure in front of you, trying to completely disregard the fact he most likely called you the cute one instead of the puppy. ''I'm glad to see my precious little French Fry didn't end up in bad hands, I must thank you for keeping cute little French fry company.'' He smiled at you warmly which you then responded with an awkward smile you'd give to the school photographers on picture day. 

After you gave him that smile, he proceeded to explain how his dog had gotten off his hands. ''I was exiting my vehicle when French Fry jumped out of her seat and started sprinting down the sidewalk. I nearly lost her until she stopped here with you, I really cant thank you enough.'' he looks down at you, still smiling a warm smile. You felt quite special to be appreciated by someone so you smiled back at him...an actual smile this time, you were genuinely happy to spend some time with a puppy which lead you to express that emotion with the owner. ''It was really no problem, I enjoyed being with French Fry even if it was for a short while'' 

''If it isn't such a bother, would you like to dog-sit French Fry for a few days? I'm gonna be fairly busy these days'' He straightened his posture slightly, ''I've been meaning to get an assistant for some time, I even put up some flyers for the title.'' He looks at you and stares for a while.

''I haven't introduced myself now have I? My name's Jack I. Box'' He holds out his hand in a business manner.

You take his hand and shake it slightly 

'' My parents looked at me and said, thou shall be named Y/N '' You said with a grin :D

Jack looked at you curiously and chuckled slightly. ''Well, Its my pleasure meeting you, Mx. Y/N.'' You giggle a bit, you then remember about him asking for a dog-sitter, ''About the dog-sitting,'' you begin, ''I'll definitely want to do it! Just give the date and ill try to make it work'' 

''Well that's wonderful now isn't it! You seem reliable although I'll still need updates on French Fry....'' You see him pull out a small notepad out of his front-pant pocket , he starts to write something down, then gracefully rips the note out of the notebook and hands it to you. You acquire the note from him and look down at it to see a phone number, you look back up at him, ''It's my phone number, so that you can send me updates every now and then about Fr-''

''Oh Jackie~, how wonderful it is to meet here don't you think?''


DUN DUN a challenger approaches

The amount of wikipedia searches I did for this were quite a bit... I meannn who could have known Jack was 6'8 ( apart from the one who wrote the article)0v0'.. 

ALSO, I noticed I put "Miss y/n" so I changed that! I made some research and apparently the proper gender neutral  term is Mx?(pronounced as mix)I'm not so sure although I saw it used twice, do correct me if I'm wrong since I want to make this as enjoyable and readable as I can. Thank you:) 

I'm really sorry for not updating sooner, I've been struggling with myself lately and have been preoccupied with school work and some family thingZZ~~~~~

Anywho! I hope you enjoyed this part of my fanfic :D

ALSOOOO I just remembered while editing this, I think Jack gave up the suit guys :'(((( I followed his Insta and he doesn't wear it anYmoreeE......Suit-Jack will forever be in my heart and that's how ima describe him I don't care if that's not the reality cuz its mY reality. 

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