Chapter 5: Kate and Kuroo's Talk

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Kate pov:

I was waiting for Kenma to get his shoes on, so we could leave and get to school on time. But I guess that was never gonna happen.

"COME ON KENMA WE HAVE TO GO!" I shouted from the front door.

"I'm coming" he quietly says walking out from around the corner.

"We have to go now" I said.

"Okay okay" he says.

We both walk out and I lock the front door, while Kenma waited for me. I turned around and walked off leaving Kenma to catch up.

"Hey wait up Kate" Kenma says.

I sighed and stop while I wait for Kenma to catch up, once he caught up to me we started to walk side by side.

"What's wrong Kate?" He asks.

"Nothing" I say.

"Oh okay" he said.

We walked all the way to school in complete silence, when we got to school I left him and walked to class. No one was in class yet, so I sat down and played on my nintendo switch. Ten minutes later my peace and quiet got interrupted by Kuroo sitting down, I paused while saving my game and putting it away. I glance over at Kuroo who was getting his book out, we sat there not talking to one another. But then Kuroo faced me, which made me face him and look him in the eyes.

"Are you ignoring me?" Kuroo asked.

"No I just dont have anything to say to you is all" I said sounding annoyed.

"Oh okay" he quietly says turning back to his chair looking really sad.

I felt guilty because I didnt mean to upset him and for the rest of the class he looked really sad. After the bell went he left straight away, which was unusual because I'm normally the one who leaves before him.


At practise we were playing mini games against each other and when Kenma arrived before Kuroo, it got me worrying about him because Kenma usually arrives after Kuroo.

"Hey guys where's Kuroo at?" I asked putting my hands on my hips.

"I dunno" Lev answered.

"Same" Yamamoto said.

"I wouldn't know either" Yaku says shrugging his shoulders.

"I do" Kenma plainly said.

"Really where is he then?" I asked.

"I'm not allowed to say anything" Kenma boredly says.

"Come on I need to talk to him" I begged.

"Sorry Kate but I cant" Kenma said walking off.

"Agh just great" I say throwing my hands up.

I walk over to the team as they form a half circle around me, while waiting for their next orders.

"Okay guys let's just practise our blocks and receives without Kuroo" I said.

"Okay" they all say.

While they were practising, I stood there texting Kuroo.

Bold is Kuroo
And this writing is Kate

Hey Kuroo where are you? Can I come see you?

After ten minutes of waiting, he replied.

Hey Kate I'm fine dont worry about me.

Are you sure?


Then why arent you at practise... is it because of me?

No it isnt I just wasnt feeling good.

I sighed because I knew he was lying so I walked over to Yaku, while he was standing there ordering Lev around.

"Hey Yaku I'm go find Kuroo your in charge okay" I say.

"Okay see u tomorrow" he said.

"Thanks" I said walking out.

Hey where are you?

Why do you want to know?

Because I'm coming to find you.

Oh I'm on the field.

Okay cool see you soon :)


I walked to where he said he was going to be and saw Kuroo sitting on the bench that overlooked the field. After I sat down, we both stayed quiet for awhile until I decide to sat something.

"Hey are you okay?" I asked looking at him.

"Everything is fine" he answered.

"No it's not otherwise you would be practicing" I say.

"Fine I'm not okay" Kuroo said.

"So tell me what's wrong" I said.

He didnt answer me, but instead he turn away from me to face the other way.

"Look I'm sorry if I did something to upset you" I say feeling guilty.

"It wasnt you" Kuroo mumbled.

"Then what is it?" I asked being really confused .

"Its just that those fangirls bullied you and I wasn't there to protect you and I'm so so sorry" Kuroo said.

"Oh Kuroo it's okay dont beat yourself up about it" I said.

"But it was my fault if I was there they wouldn't have done it" Kuroo mumbled.

"I told you it wasnt your fault" I said.

I hug his head as I played with his hair hoping that it would calm him down, he leaned into me more and wrapped his arms around my waist. I could feel Kuroo relaxing in my arms, as I kept playing with his hair. We stayed like this for a long time but when I looked at the time, I knew we had to go.

"I'm sorry to break this up but we should go" I said realeasing him.

"No it's alright and you're right it's getting late" Kuroo says sitting up.

"Okay well I guess I'll see you tomorrow" I say standing up.

"Yeah see you tomorrow and thank you for everything" he said also standing up.

"No problem just remember that I'll always be here for you if you want to talk" I say.

"Okay I'll remember that" he says.

"See ya" I say walking off while waving.

"See ya" Kuroo replies waving.

I walked home by myself, since Kenma said he was already home. I got home and went straight to my room to take a shower and go to sleep.

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