Chapter 9: A Misunderstanding?

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Kate pov:

I woke up and looked at my phone for the time, I started panicking because it was 8:40am and school starts at 9am but it takes us thirty minutes to get there.

"SHIT GUYS WERE GOING TO BE LATE!" I shouted while standing up and turning the light on.

"Huh what" Yaku said sitting up.

"Help me wake the others up" I say walking over to Kenma and Yamamoto.

"Okay" Yaku said.

Once me and Yaku woke everyone up, I pushed everyone out the door and locked it behind us. I walked off leaving them behind.

"Hurry up or were going to late" I said.

"Okay okay we're coming we're coming" They said walking faster.


Everyone made it to class at 9:05am because we all ran to school. At break time I was sitting at the table with Kenma and Yamamoto on either side of me, Yaku and Lev sat across from me.

"I wonder where Kuroo is because he should of been already" Lev says.

"Oi Lev dont mention anything about Kuroo with Kate around got that" Yamamoto said sounding annoyed.

"So-" Lev was trying to say before he got cut off.

"Its fine you guys really" I said while lazily playing with the food on my plate and my head in my hand.

"Not it's not he asked you be his prom date and then he goes off and kisses some random girl and you sit here likes its nothing" Yamamoto says sounding angry.

"I'm trying not to cry because I want to be strong and not let one little thing bring me down" I explained.

"Oh" Yamamoto mumbled.

"Speak of the devil" Yaku says looking over at the door.

I look over at Kuroo who was chatting it up with some girls at the cafeteria bar, I rolled my eyes while looking away because I dont need that right now. But a few minutes later my mood changed from sad to miserable.

"Hey guys" Kuroo said sitting down next to Lev.

"Hey Kuroo" we said.

"What happen yesterday? None of you were at practice" Kuroo asks.

"We had a break from practise and we were trying to find you so we could tell you but we couldnt find you" Yaku answered.

"Oh okay yeah sorry I was really busy yesterday" Kuroo said.

"Imma go now see you later" I said getting up.

"Oh okay bye Kate" they said.

"See ya" I said before walking off.

Kenma pov:

Once she left it was quiet around the table and I was just about to say something to Kuroo when Yaku stood up.

"What the hell Kuroo?!" Yaku yelled at him.

"What?!" He yelled back sounding confused.

"What you mean what? You kissed another girl in front of Kate" Yaku shouted.

"Oh shit she saw that" Kuroo said.

"Y-" Yaku was saying.

"That's not what happen at all I mean yeah I kissed a girl but I didn't want to" Kuroo says interrupting Yaku.

"Okay fine I'm listening" Yaku said sitting down.

"Okay so I was walking to the cafeteria when a girl stopped me and asked me to be her boyfriend so when I said no she got really pissed off and she grabbed the collar of my shirt and pulled me down into the kiss and when I was trying to break free she wrapped her arms around my neck when she pulled back I said look I can't be your boyfriend because I like someone else and then she got mad and left and that's how it happen" Kuroo explained.

"Oh now I get it" Yamamoto says.

"Oh" I said.

"Why should we believe you?" Yaku asks sounding annoyed/angry.

"Because it's the truth and I'm your friend" Kuroo answered.

"That's not good enough" Yaku said.

"Fine I'm in love with Kate and I want to make this right" Kuroo says.

"You what?" Yaku says standing up.

"I love her alright" Kuroo says standing up.

"Okay but I'm only going to say this once so listen up... we will help you get Kate back but if you break her heart we will not forgive you do you understand?" Yaku said sounding serious.

"Yes I promise" Kuroo says.

"You better keep that promise Kuroo or else" Yaku says.

"I will" Kuroo said.

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