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chapter three: the new world order. 

(the falcon and the winter soldier, episode two.)


"You shouldn't have given up the shield, Sam!"

Bucky's greeting was less than ideal.

Sam was already stressed enough with the new Captain America. But he needed to remind himself that he had bigger problems to worry about. Much, much bigger problems to worry about.

Flagsmashers. That's what they called themselves. A militant group stirring shit up. It felt normal. But there was something strange about this one, something that told him it needed more looking into. But based on his past experience, that was almost never a good thing.

So Sam flew halfway across the world to track them. And Bucky came with him.

The man pissed him off more than anything, but he had to admit, it was nice to work with a partner. Nice to talk to someone who actually understood his life, who didn't treat him like he was some unattainable legend. Someone who knew him as a person. An annoying person, but a person nonetheless. Other than Rose and Sarah, of course.

It felt normal.

That was, until it became very clear that every single member of the group they were fighting was a supersoldier. And no matter how much Rose assured him that it would happen eventually, it still scared the crap out of him. He had to take a moment in midair to stop and recognize that this was the situation he'd been waiting for for months. That he would have to call Rosalina Sanchez to join him in the field.

Then the leading supersoldier smashed Redwing, and it was right back to the regularly scheduled bullshit.

And he and Bucky got their asses kicked, which only solidified the fact that they needed someone like Rose with them. Another supersoldier. 

Then, John Walker came to "save the day." He could almost hear Rose laughing at the man from afar. Needless to say, the fake Captain America did not save the day and Sam and Bucky ended up catapulting into a field of flowers to avoid imminent death.

His whole body hurt as they laid on the ground for a moment where their bodies made sharp indents in the pretty yellow flowers after they'd finally finished rolling.

"Those were all supersoldiers, Sam." Bucky said, looking up at the sky with an expression of disbelief.

"I know." Sam breathed, squeezing his eyes shut in an attempt to process the events of the previous few minutes. When he opened his eyes again, it was time to get up off the ground. "I gotta make some calls."


"What's goin' on in that big cyborg brain of yours?"

Sam and Bucky walked side-by-side down the country road, their faces still marked from the battle.

"It's computing." Bucky replied, his face stoic and staring forward as usual.

"You know what? I can actually see it. I can see the gears turning... oh they're malfunctioning, shutting down! Yep, they're on fire!"

"We got to figure out where the serum's coming from." Bucky interrupted, ignoring Sam's commentary. Sam sighed. Now he'd have to bring both Bucky and Rose in on this.

"Yeah, I might have an idea of where to start on that." Sam replied. 

But before Bucky could question what the hell that meant, the new "Captain America" rolled up beside them in a military rover and invited them to sit in it.

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