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   Fire is destructive, fire do nothing but consume all in it path. The fire raged, consuming all in sight, burning down every living and nonliving things in the small pack. The flames rose high, the screams echoed in the fire. In the middle of the fire sat a crying child, swaying with hands hugging her knees. The heat surrounded her, fear crowding the young soul's heart...

A permanent nightmare for life.


   A girl screamed as she woke up, the shackles on her wrists and ankles jingled from her sudden movement. She continued screaming as she shifted back into the wall of her cage, trying to get away from the fire only she could see.

   "Hey! Stop screaming! Some people are trying to sleep here!" One of her captors yelled, hitting his metal rod on the iron bar of the cage.

   "Bitch, stop screaming before I take you to the grand master!" Another yelled. The girl's hand flew to her mouth, her master couldn't hear her again.

   "And why is she screaming this time!" Her heart pounded with fear, he was coming! The girl shifted back into the cage, almost entering the metal wall.

   "As usual, sir," one replied.

   "Why does this witch always scream? How do we sell such damaged goods at the black market?!"

   "I say you just fuck the thing and kill her, case close." A loud smack echoed in the forest.

   "Are you mad?! Do you know how hard it was for me to get my hands on her?! Do you not remember the bloods I spilled, the things I gave up and money I gave out just to be the only one standing to purchase her?! This little bitch is the next big thing, the world's most dreaded killing machine and she is mine to give out," a sick smile spread across his face as he rubbed his palms together, "the vampire king or dark warlock covens would pay a fortune for her, more than I spent. I can even sell her to the United States government or the UK's, they would pay billions to have their own special powerful machine, to feel stronger now the supernatural and human kinds are starting to live in harmony. Humans will always be humans, they would want a backup plan and this one is. A werecreature immune to silver or any weakness, trained to be a ruthless killer... Ha! I'll be rich!"

   "Yeah, boss, we just need to find a way to stop her nightmares,"

   "The witch will meet us on the way and see if she can stop it. But for n..." He paused when he heard something, his ears twitched as they got closer. "Quickly! Open her cage and release the shackles!" He shouted with slight panic. The first man jumped to his feet and frantically opened the cage. He ran in to the still frightened girl and began releasing the shackles.

   The men at the further end screamed as they were killed by who was coming. Freedom, she smiled at the momentary freedom. Her master and the other man stepped into the cage just as the hissing vampires came to view. Seven of them in all.

   "Don't worry food, we won't hurt you," one laughed.

   "Stay back or you will regret daring me," the grand master said confidently, glancing at his secret weapon.

   "Pathetic." They laughed.

   "Bane, listen to the voice of your temporary master and rise," the aura around them changed, the vampires felt the present as well. Fear gripped their hearts as she stood up like a boneless zombie. Flexing her muscles, her eyes turned black as his command ran through her veins. "Bane, kill."

   A vicious snarl left her lips, she bent over and bare her colored teeth, all her teeth were canines, each more pointy and sharper than any they had ever seen. They stepped back in shock, wondering what she was. One didn't stay, he fled immediately. With another snarl, she dashed out of the cage and leapt into the air with unseen speed. She landed on one's shoulders, quickly snapping his head off before attacking the rest in a flash, snarling as each of their heads came off, as her teeth or claws ripped at their dead skin.

   Adrenaline pumped through the young vampire running for his life, he ran as fast as his speed could carry him, never looking back. He suddenly heard the whoosh of wind, causing him to glance behind him. He screamed as small hand plunge into his chest and yanked out everything that dwelled there, bones inclusive.

   She turned and ran back to her master, order complete. Her hand was soaked with blood but she didn't care. Showing her master the content of his chest she ripped out with only one hand, she bowed.

   "Very good, Bane, very good. You shall get your reward at dawn, for now, sleep." She robotically walked back into her cage and laid still as her shackles were placed back on her. Black eyes redrew and replaced with wet colored iris. Eyes questioning the stars, asking who she is.

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