Book Fifteen

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Slade's standpoint

   Sabrina was asleep, her hands draping down my shoulders lazily. I carried her in a piggyback, my hands holding her up by her thighs, her smooth thighs. She consumed a lot of ice cream and then forced me to lick ice cream too. Dalton was waiting for me at the training yard. He mind-linked me that Jin had arrive and demand to see who he would be teaching.

   Sabrina whimpered a little, she did that every twelve minutes. It was so cute, just like her. A smile spread on my lips, my cute mate had forgiven me but still wanted me to pay for what I did. Sabrina might not believe it but she was a blessing to me; a gift. For years, all I did was sleep with every woman that attracts me, from the moment I clocked thirteen. It had been that way until I met her. No other woman had cross my mind, nor had they attracted me.

   I had done a lot of things a mate would reject me for, slept with all my female warriors, even most before they found their mates. I had girls of every kind and creature, humans included. They were still there, just that I hadn't call on any to attend to me because of her. Meeting her, I found everything I needed, everything I ever wanted. I don't even think I know one mate that would forgive me for all I'd done, including the rape. Sabrina has a forgiven heart, a very soft one that I needed.

   "Alpha," Dalton called as I walked to them. Jin bowed but said nothing.

   "Jin, how have you been?"

   "Very fine, My Lord."

   "I'm sorry for pulling you away from your mate..."

   "She came with me, sir," he smiled. His mate was a human, a very timid one. After hundreds of years, he finally found his mate.

   "How is she doing?"

   "Fitting in well with my sisters, no need to worry," I nodded. "Is this her?"

   "Yes," I nudged Sabrina's face with my shoulder. "Sabrina, babe, wake up," she murmured inaudible words to herself. I dropped my mental wall and reached out for her mind.

   I had the ability to invade the dreams of anyone mentally connected to me, though no one except my parents knew about that ability. I closed my eyes and saw through her eyes. She was dreaming about wedding a cake man wearing a cotton candy suit... Wait what?

Lollipop... I called laughingly... Lollipop, can you hear me?

Huh? Mate? What you doing in Sabrina's head?

Wake up, it's time to meet your new teacher.

But my wedding... She whined. I heard a small growl, her wolf warning her to wake up. Blade jumped in with excitement to make his first conversation with his mate, but she was gone as soon as she came.

Just wake up, honey, okay?

Okay... I opened my eyes. I kept my gaze on her sleeping frowning face. She slowly opened her eyes, her iris glinting with disapproval.

   "You shouldn't have disturbed Sabrina's wedding," I let her slide down to her feet. She stretched yawningly, bending her stretch out hands backwards. "Is it dinner time yet?"

   "Seriously?" I asked. "you just finished..."

   "Appetizer, not food," she cut in.

   "Good evening, Luna," Jin greeted. Sabrina turned her attention to him, pausing her stretching.

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