Book Eleven

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First, who knows me will know I love being unpredictable, love giving my stories an abrupt twist. So, don't be shocked by this chapter... 😉

Slade's standpoint

   I wiped off the beads of sweats from my forehead, beads formed from my wolf's nagging. Since Sabrina was still recovering from the attack, I decided to work but Blade thought I ought to be with her and not work. He didn't seem to understand or remember that being with her was too difficult, we needed to breathe in air that didn't carry her scent, and won't make us end with a serious hard-on. Blade disagreed with that idea, he kept yelling and snapping that we return to her. But I knew we needed the space.

Slade! Go meet mate, mate needs us. Mate is scared and alone...

How do you know?... I sneered.

Please, Slade, I want to feel mate.

Blade please, I am the one who suffers the hard-on most, stop pushing me.

Pushing you! Pushing you!!!... A knock on my door made me cut off our angry conversation.

   "Come in," Dalton and Fabian walked in, though Fabian was bouncing as ever.

   "What's up, kingy!"

   "Fabian, please, not now," I sighed tiredly, slouching down in my chair. The headache I had didn't need him to add to it.

   "You know, Sabrina deserve an award. Since she came, our good old king has become more and more serious. What did she do this time?"

   "Not her, my wolf," I murmured. "Now what is it?" I asked briskly.

   "Well, I came with the result for the best schools Sabrina can attend, one that would make her comfortable. Although I doubt your sisters would let her go to any other school than theirs." Fabian said.

   "I don't care about what they want, I care about what will make my mate comfortable. I don't want her to attend any school where she would be bullied, and I also want her to be comfortable in a school she chooses."

   "Don't you think it is better if she attends the same school with Harmony and Mandy?" Dalton asked, his point was reasonable.

   "You know that school is for royals of all kinds; for the children of kings, queens, nobles and great warriors, and filthy rich people. I don't want her to get intimidated with their aura and grace. Remember humans still attend the school and are fully aware of our existence. Sabrina have never met a human, and they can be very judgemental..."

   "More reasons why she needs to be with your sisters. Sabrina easily looks down on herself and she needs the right cup of self-esteem booster to level up if she should ever be a queen. Harmony and Mandy are the right cups to drink from, they will bring her up. She needs them to make her bolder, act like a queen and mingle properly. They are popular there, it would make it easier and you know how protective there are." Dalton interjected.

   "Besides! With the recent unknown attack, you need her in a school highly secured. The school's security is extremely tight, great and perfect for a queen. Both humans and paranormals worked hard to create that amazing school. It's the best." Fabian laid the most important point. I frowned and glared at him.

   "Why didn't you tell me this before bothering to go looking for schools?" He shrugged. "Okay, I guess she will then. Fabian, I leave you to handle her registration."

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