Book Three

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Five Years Later

   Connie angrily buttoned her shirt back on, cursing under her breath and swearing for her mate who was watching her apologetically. Three years, she had been trying to get him to complete the mating for three years. Immediately she turned thirteen, she started experiencing heat but he would never touch her because Alpha Joshua commanded him not to until she turned sixteen. It was bad enough that he looked down on her like a child, but his refusal was hell to the young she-wolf.

   "Connie, you can't really be mad at me, I cannot disobey the..."

   "This is not about the alpha, this is about my mate not wanting me!"

   "I want you, Connie, I swear, for years now. But I can't touch you..."

   "We very well know that you can choose not to obey the command concerning your own mate! How long do I have to continuing bearing this pain in the form of heat!"

   "I don't want to hurt you, you're still a..."

   "Child?" She flared, "is that what you want to call me?! All my friends got boyfriends at thirteen to fourteen and are already having sex. What makes you think I'm a child?! I fucking look like a eighteen years old girl! How else do you want me to look like or how large should my cunt be before you realize I am old enough to get fucked?!"

   "Connie, calm down," he whimpered, "you don't have to shout..."

   "Yes, you are right, I am getting a boyfriend because I can't keep dealing with this, I can't keep dealing with you!" He narrowed his eyes at her, his wolf growling warningly. "Growl all you want, I'm getting laid and you can't stop me!" Connie ran out of his apartment. Trent got himself an apartment when he turned eighteen, he loves his own space.

   The whole thing was frustrating to her. She ran back to the alpha apartment and stomped into the house. Sabrina was studying, trying to solve a mathematical problem meticulously while Heather sat beside her on the floor, drawing her. Heamie sat lazily on the chair rubbing her protruding stomach. Connie threw herself on one of the armchair with a huff.

   "Connie, you okay?"

   "I'm not, Trent is my problem!" Diana rushed into the house crying, something pretty unexpected, cutting Connie's own lamenting off. Diana rushed to her room, ignoring them all.

   "Am I the only one who just saw Diana run into the house in tears?" Heamie asked quizzically. Sabrina slammed down her pen and stood up.

   "Sister's mate made her cry again," she whined and ran after Diana. Connie stood up too and hurried to Diana's room. "Sister Diana, please open the door for Brina," Sabrina pleaded.

   "All of you leave me alone! Get lost!" And Connie concluded that they all had serious love problem. Except for Heamie, none of them were lucky.

   Diana found her mate, he was a rogue alpha. He left his pack because he couldn't stand what his father was doing and became rogue. Joshua found and brought him to the pack five months earlier, he saved their father's life in a war he went to fight. Diana wasn't home when he came over but when they met, they were mates. The guy was the definition of sexy, even more than Trent and a absolutely powerful warrior. He was literally the best fighter in the pack if you don't count Sabrina. The only thing that made Diana stronger than him was her blessed strength, that was her only advantage. But even with that, he could still kill her if he wanted. The guy didn't want her on account that he coukd not mate with an alpha. According to him, if she was the alpha, will he be the luna? He had pride because he was an alpha.

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