Chapter 2

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I stumbled to get ready that morning, rushing as quick as I could since it was quite early. I tried hard not to wake Espio since he was still sound asleep, I wanted to be able to relax before leaving so I woke up earlier than usual. Since there was no specifics to wear, I in a way panicked. I threw one a light blue loose turtleneck sweater with a pair of leggings and combat boots. It was a bit cold in the school so it would do for now, I quickly got my satchel and quietly left the dorm room. The satchel felt better than a backpack, to me at least so it was a preferred choice.

The breakfast line was opened already since I wasn't the only kid with tutoring times like this, let me say the food is much better when you're early. I bought the cinnamon rolls they had together, and took it with me to start heading to his room. I wasted no time practically devouring it however, it was too good not too! Getting to his room I brushed myself off a lot with my face as to not look well like I just stuffed my face with four cinnamon rolls on my way here. I stepped into his room since his door was unlocked, with permission of course. I'd been doing this for a few weeks now, so I became pretty used to this school. Still memorizing where's what however, it is four stories high after all. I sat in a chair beside his desk while I waited, his room was nice so I didn't mind it. It had a dark look to it, like a vampires lair. He had many paintings, or recreations, of famous ones that I had never even seen. Some being famous people as well. He had a lot of creepy ones though, which gave me chills. He had one called "The ambassadors." A painting made by Hans Holbein. While it looked normal, if you looked at a certain angle at the bottom was a skull. A reminder of mortality. His creepiest one by far hid in his classroom closet. It was "Picture of Dorian Gray" By Ivan Albert. I also closed the closet door before tutoring just to escape it. However my favorite would be the skeleton with a cigarette. A painting made by Van Gogh. It was made as a joke, and it was pretty funny.

Mr. Shadow did have humor, just humor not a lot of students had. He was dark humored, which didn't surprise me. He did throw jokes in sometimes, to which only some of the class laughed while the others just dropped their jaws. I will be honest, sometimes they were a bit too dark, but there were times I laughed when I didn't wish to. He wasn't as bad as everyone proclaimed him to be, he was actually quite nice when you got close to him. Or uh, maybe I was just favorited. I perked up hearing the door open, seeing him make his way into the room. He had his quills loose for once, hanging down like they weren't cared for today. Moping over his shoulders, it looked kind of.... I'll say good to not sound weird. He went to his desk and pulled out a brush, he seemed extremely tired so I figured he rushed this morning. "Did you have a good night? You looked exhausted." I asked, honestly concerned by the bags under his eyes. "I'm a teacher, sleep barely exists when you get grading." He answered, fixing his quills. Returning them to their levitating bounce, he went to a back office to finish up his morning. "I could always help you, sleep is very important. I wouldn't mind being of help if it means your caring for yourself." I stated loud enough for him to hear. I listened as I heard a coffee maker start to brew. "I don't see why not." He answered after a few minutes, probably thinking it over.

He came back out with a mug of coffee, sitting at his desk taking a long sip. "Alright, let's begin." He finally spoke when ready. I nodded, getting out my book and my pages. He watched making sure I made no mistakes. He corrected me every time he could, making sure I didn't think something was wrong. "You're doing good, I'm impressed." He spoke out of nowhere, looming over me to check the paper again. I smiled at the praise, yet my heart raced as I could feel his body above me. He smelled like a rich wood, he smelled in a way musky. His smell clearly stated whatever cologne he had was expensive, very expensive. For a teacher, that was odd if he had money like that. I embraced the smell of his cologne as it mixed with my vanilla smelled quills. Yes, I enjoyed that smell more than the masculine formed smell, even if I was made fun of for that fact. I honestly didn't want the ebony to leave, feeling his presence felt... Electrifying.

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