Chapter 6

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-so I guess a glitch happened? Having to repost some chapters lol-

I woke up in egyptian cotton sheets, now there's really no way he's just a teacher. The bed was a deep red and black, matching Shadow's color scheme. The room was a romance styled bedroom, making it look more luxurious. I snuggled into the blankets, not wishing to leave them now. I looked around, staring at the many leaf plants by his bedroom window. Must be a hobby. I enjoyed his smell that lingered upon the sheets. I became peaceful, feeling as if he was really next to me. I wonder just where he was.

I started to think about it, realizing just how long the break would be. "Two whole weeks with him." I whispered to myself, curling up more into the blanket. "What a dream." I swooned, just thinking of all the things. The door creaked open, alerting me as I pretended to still be asleep. I felt a hand gently pet on top of my head, weaving into my quills forcing out a purr. I listened to the rustling of drawers as if he was looking for something. I slightly peaked, seeing his usual dress pants and button up shirt. I couldn't help but smile watching his hands gently shuffle around. I peered up to his face, seeing his serious ruby eyes fixated on his task. I closed my eyes once more, not wishing to risk a thing. "There you are." He whispered under his breath, clearly finding what he desired. His hand met my head again, giving another soft pet to hear my purr. I felt a pair of lips kiss the top of my head, his hand going down the side of my face as it trailed off from my chin.
"You're gonna get me in massive trouble if you keep up with enchanting me." He whispered lowly, treading away, finally leaving the room.

I sat up, curious just what he had grabbed. I debated for some time getting up, only to allow my laziness to kick in and lay back down. Yeah, I ain't getting out of bed any time soon.


I had dozed off again, yawning as I awoke once more. I looked over to notice Shadow with his back to me, he must've gotten tired. I turned my body, nuzzling into his back pulling him into spooning. "Mmm." He whined, awaking from my movements. "Silvy?" He turned his head, his voice gruffed and rasped.
"Hi!" I squeaked, happy to see those tired ruby eyes straining to look at me. He shifted his body, facing towards me wrapping an arm around my small waist. I let out a giggle, nuzzling into his small patch of white fur. His hand moved up, keeping his elbow at the waist as his hand reached for my shoulder blade. "Two weeks. Two weeks of us being free to do whatever without the risk of being caught, but I have to ask you something." I peered up to him as I spoke, wanting to examine his expressions. "Go on." His scruffed voice responded, filled with anticipation for my words. "How will things work when we're back in class?" I questioned as I scooted a small bit back. Seeing his full face before me, watching his ruby eyes move with his thoughts as if he was writing on a board. "Do our deeds in the dark." He simply responded, a smile spreading across his muzzle. He kissed my black nose, smiling again as I giggled to the affection.

"Our tutoring hours can become our fun hours." He purred as he pulled me back against him. I laughed as he turned us over, allowing me to lay on my stomach on top of him. "And then, I can probably even request you stay with me instead of the dorm. That is, if you don't mind being away from your friend." He continued, letting his hands roam down to rest upon my marshmallow.

"I have an elective with him, so I'll still see him. I think I favor cuddles and kisses more than I do sleeping in the same room as a friend." I chuckled, sprawling out letting my legs rest by his hips. Making me straddle him if I was to sit up. "I see, I will work things out with the school board then. It wasn't hard to make this happen so surely this won't be as hard either." His ruby eyes went down, no longer staring back at my eyes. They were concentrated on more, past my face keeping his eyes still on whatever it may be. "What are we to do if we get caught?" I sadly asked, knowing well this wasn't something he wanted to think of. "Simple, I'll take the punishment." He simply answered, leaving not a hint of hesitation.
"You can't!!" I jolted my body, pressing my hands to his chest to lift me up. "What else would I do? Silvy, I decided I wish to take this risk. I knew I could never wait, especially seeing you everyday. I didn't want it to become me harassing you in any way. This is what I want Silver, and if they mean I have to pay such a price well then so be it." He spoke sincerely, his voice serious with sympathy and passion. I whined hating the thought of him being arrested and losing his job. He cupped my squishable muzzle in his hands pulling me down enough our breath could be felt on eachothers faces. "For now, enjoy the moment and ignore the cons. Think of all the pros, all the joy, Silver. I want you to be selfish now." His eyes stared dead into mine, the pupil barely moving. "Mhm." Was all I could respond, putting my hands over his. He smiled before connecting our lips, filling the kiss with passion and love melting me right away.

Pulling away shortly, his hands returned to their original spot. "Are we just gonna lay in bed all day?" He questioned, gripping around the marshmallows enjoying the squish. My face turned pink this time, not even able to reply. "I mean, we don't have to leave the bed to enjoy ourselves." His ruby eyes stared down at me with seduction, clear lust filling their red gaze. I detensed my body in every way, letting all my weight be on him. "Mhm." I simply replied, not wishing to speak too much. A smirk ran across his face, his hands kneading at the marshmallow. He moved me just enough to reach my neck, biting around looking for sweet spots. I let out whimpers, shifting when needed to give him more access. "This'll be easier since that sweater of yours is the only barrier." He purred, lifting his hands to lift the wool fabric to give him more range. He sat up, keeping me in his lap using his legs as a backboard. He began to bite the front of my neck, making me squeak and toss my head back. I purred when he licked, enjoying the spot far too much. He pulled me forward making me use my knees as my support as his hand went to the back of my neck. His other hand ran up the outer side of my thigh, pushing up the already messy fur.
I whined, wanting more already. His ears perked to the sound as his ruby eyes peered back up. "Alright alright, enough playing." He teased, pulling my upper body into his. He laid back down on his back, letting my torso rest on his as he kept my hips raised. "How far?" I decided to finally ask, feeling his hands run down my waist to my hips and left to my marshmallow. "You'll see." He purred as he kept his eyes locked on his target.
"Allow me to explain our color words however." He spoke, teasing around the area. "I'll make it simple." He continued, lifting a hand up as he gestured to suck. His three digits went onto my bottom lip, letting me slip them inside as my tongue wrapped around each individual finger. I perked my ears to listen better, knowing by his face this was serious. "Green is to tell me you are good to continue, not to mention actually okay with it. That'll be a form of consent if I get playful out of nowhere. Yellow is more complex. Say yellow flower if the physical pain is too much; and yellow heart if i'm speaking in a way you dislike. Say normal yellow if it's too much and you want me to slow down and go easier on you. Then red, say red when you dislike it completely and want me to all together stop. I'll back off, even throwing my hands in the air and stepping away. Do not be afraid to use these." He explained, making sure I heard every single one.
He pulled his digits out, leaving a saliva string behind. "I-i'll be sure to remember those." I stuttered, already struggling. "I'll repeat them a few times, don't worry." He cooed, pulling me back down to hide my face by his neck. His hand went down, inserting a digit into my cave without warning causing a squeak. He repeated all their meanings as he kept slow, being sure not to harm me in any way for the first time. He stopped repeating when I finally remembered them all, reciting them in my head. The digit deepened, forcing me to bite my lip as I refrained from weird sounds. He soon added a second one, spreading them like scissors as small moans left my lips. "Your sounds are too adorable to resist." He purred under his breath, deeping his fingers as far as they could go just to cause my vocals to louden. It wasn't long till the third digit came along, my legs tightening as they spread my walls apart. I began to whine, slowly growing tired by the motions. "Just a little longer Silvy." He purred, quickening his motion to try and occupy me. I continued to whine even when his hands finally left, leaving me empty for the time being. "Sit up Silvy." He commanded, intertwining his hands with mine. I did as told, letting myself lean onto them. He went to speak once more before the living room phone rang.

He groaned in anger, fully aware he couldn't ignore it. "So much for enjoying ourselves." He growled, sitting back up. He cupped my muzzle and kissed my forehead before lifting me off his lap. "Relax while I'm gone, it may be a while if it's who I think it is." He instructed. I nodded, shimmying under the covers to escape the cold room. He gave a soft smile, the kind you give looking at something precious. He soon left, closing the door behind him. Whoever was calling sure was a cock block. I nuzzled the pillow, still smelling that sweet cologne he wore. I felt relaxed, as if he was still right here and not in a different room. Was I obsessive to memorize his smell? I really hope that isn't the case. But, is it really that bad to obsess over someone like him? I mean, daaaaaaaaaaamn. He'd be paid heavily as a model or any of that sorts. He's so perfectly constructed, aren't I one lucky hog to have his heart. I really wish there wasn't the age difference, nor the teacher student thing. I could get him in so much trouble. But, is he really willing to take a risk like that? I got lost in my thoughts, slowly dozing off into dreamland.


I returned to the room after what felt like hours, exhausted by listening to my boss ask questions. Entering our room, my heart soared seeing the precious little thing knocked right out. I sighed, laying beside him spooning from behind enjoying his little body in my arms. God I love this little marshmallow.

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